Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Resizing Dashboards 

Dashboards can now be set up so that their content automatically resizes as the Dashboard resizes. 
This means that Dashboards can be configured so that end users can adjust the size of the Dashboard for their screen and the contents will adjust their widths and height automatically. 

The new options are available through the context menus on the Dashboard background pane and on Dashboard contents. 
The options allow the user to divide the Dashboard up into multiple resizing or fixed width/fixed height panes and then specify whether items placed inside the panes should be maximized or should have absolute positions and dimensions. 

Context Menu options are: 

  • Add Vertical Bar: Splits the pane left and right 
  • Add Horizontal Bar: Splits the pane top and bottom 
  • Delete Pane 
  • Layout Options: Opens a form allowing the user to specify 
    • Maximize the pane content 
    • Fix the pane width
    • Fix the pane height

There is a new menu item under Admin button - 'Manage Email Accounts'. 
Clicking on that opens a list of Email Accounts which allows adding, updating and removing existing Email Accounts. 

  • Outbound accounts are used to send emails from PhixFlow. There can be only one enabled outbound account. 
  • System fetches emails from all enabled inbound accounts. There can be more than one active inbound account.

An existing email configuration (inbound and outbound) is not migrated into new version (see Upgrade Notes for details).

Internal variables are now available also from normal File Collectors: 

  • _fileName
  • _modifiedDate 
  • _path 
  • _rootDirectory 
  • _subDirectory 
  • _size 
  • _lineNumber - not available in 'File Details Only' File Collectors 

 See the help for their descriptions.

It is now possible to change the stream index scheme while the stream contains data. Changing the index scheme optimises the stream for reading from individual steam sets or from all stream sets.

Indexes and primary keys on core tables have been reviewed and deleted / added where appropriate.

Selection Views now use the selected attribute instead of first attribute of the view. 

There is a new 'Show Attributes' option in the Stream Views list context menu which shows Attributes of the selected Stream View.

curValue() and nextValue() takes expressions, not just literals.

Instance name is now accessible for expressions as the "_system.instance".

Privileges list is now sorted alphabetically.

The "Grid" Stream View definition form now shows all properties of the view attribute (not just its name).

The Stream View Attribute definition form now shows a box indicating the size of the field on a form i.e. there is now a visual indicator of the meaning of a width of (say) 100 pixels.

The 'Repair Configuration' admin function has been renamed to 'Cleanup Configuration'.

Dashboards can now be set to open in a maximized state by default. The option is available through the Dashboard editor.

A new button is available under the User menu (top right corner). It allows switching between a Design and App mode. 

Design mode allows the user to see design functions of PhixFlow, the toolbar on the left in particular. 

App mode hides configuration features of PhixFlow. 

The default mode of the user can be set through the user editor. 

Users need to have a permission in order to use the design mode. If the user has no permission to use the design mode, the app mode is launched. 

The selected mode can be specified also through the URL, by adding a "design=true/false" attribute. A list of attributes should be prefixed with a '?' character. For example: 

  • - a default user's mode will be launched. 
  • - a design mode will be launched (if the user is permitted) 
  • - an app mode will be launched


    (This release contains more changes which affect the URL. See Upgrade Notes for details)

The user can now set up multiple applications. 

Every application can have its own set of menus which can be displayed at the top of the screen. Menu can be set as a default for desktop devices and for mobile devices. The appropriate menu will be displayed according to the user's device. If only one menu is specified, it will be the default for desktop and mobile. 

Users can also choose any other menu from the new list of Applications and Menus available through the new icon at the top left corner of the screen. The list allows launching Applications using the same window, new window or new tab (available through the context menu - right-click).

Another way of launching selected Application and Menu is typing its name at the end of the URL and prefixing them with the '#' character. The Menu name should be separated by the '/' character. An example URL would look like: 

  • - no Application specified. 
  • - the 'App1' Application will be launched with the default menu (if specified). 
  • - The 'App1' Application with the 'Menu1' will be launched.


    (This release contains more changes which affect the URL. See Upgrade Notes for details)

Upgraded selected external packages.

The restrictions on changing the properties and/or attributes of existing streams are now based on whether the stream actually contains data records rather than whether the stream has any stream sets. This means that it is now possible to roll back a stream without deleting stream sets, then change any stream property or attribute property.

DATE and DATETIME columns are being exported to Excel in the same format as they appear on the Stream View.

It is now possible to configure a 'pivot table' stream view in which values in a nominated value attribute are broken out into one of many view columns based on the value in a nominated pivot attribute. 

The pivot view columns can be

  • all values in the view data
  • the result of an expression (which can in turn refer to a lookup pipe on the source stream)

The latter method allows more control over the order of columns and the ability to present columns even if no data values are present.

Pivot column headers can be derived automatically from data values using date/time and number formats on the view attributes, or from label attributes.


Upgrade Notes
Email configuration migration instructions

Email sender:

  1. Make a backup copy of the phixflow-datasource.xml file.
  2. Open the phixflow-datasource.xml file.
  3. Note the port, host, username, password and javaMailProperties values.
  4. Delete the mailSender bean from the phixflow.datasource.xml file.
  5. In PhixFlow go to AdminManage Email Accounts and add a new account.
  6. Tick the Outbound flag, type the account name and enter values from the step 2. The Properties have format: Each property should be entered in new line. Tick Enabled.


    You can test the configuration by entering a test email address and sending a test email by clicking the Test Configuration button.


Email fetcher:

  1. Make a backup copy of the phixflow-email.xml file.
  2. Open the phixflow-email.xml file.
  3. Note the enabled, port, host, protocol, username and password values.
  4. Delete the phixflow-email.xml file.
  5. In PhixFlow go to AdminManage Email Accounts and add a new account.
  6. Leave the Outbound flag unticked, type the account name and Enter values from the step 2. If you leave the Pooling Interval blank, the pollingInterval value configured in the file will be used.


    You can test the configuration by clicking the Test Configuration button.

URL format changes

As there are new functionalities which can be accessed by manipulating the application URL it is important to remember about the sequence of using new URL attributes:


Assume that the default PhixFlow URL is

  1. design=true and design=false must be typed right after the default PhixFlow URL and be prefixed by the ‘?’ character.
  2. #ApplicationName/MenuName must be typed at the end of the full PhixFlow URL.


  • – PhixFlow without any defined Application in a mode specified as default for the logged in user.
  • – PhixFlow without any defined Application in the Design Mode
  • – PhixFlow without any defined Application in the App Mode
  • App1 application with a default menu in a mode specified as default for the logged in user.
  • App1 application with the Menu1 in a mode specified as default for the logged in user.
  • App1 application with a default menu in the Design Mode
  • App1 application with a default menu in the App Mode
  • App1 application with the Menu1 in the Design Mode
  • App1 application with the Menu1 in the App Mode