Highlight Inactive Customers
- Hide the UID column
- Add two Businessesbusinesses, the first with Active set ticked and the other second without .active ticked
- Add Conditional Formatting on the View attribute Name with the following settings:
- Name: InactiveCustomer
- Rule Expression: _current.Active != true
- Add a Style with the settings:
- Name: InactiveCustomer
- Text Colour: red
- In the configuration form for the Businesses Grid View, under the Styles Settings add a style to Row Selection Style with the settings:
- Name: SelectedBusiness
- Font Weight: bold
- Font Style: Italic
Update Header Styles
- In the configuration form for the Businesses Grid View, under the Styles Settings add a style to Grid Header Style with the settings:
- Name: BusinessGridHeader
- Text Size: 22
Grouping Grid Headers
- In the configuration form for the Name attribute set the label to Business, Name. The element before the comma will provide a grouping
- Repeat the above step for Type
- Group Address Details together under Address
- And logically label your remaining fields