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This page is for administrators who need to configure location-specific settings for PhixFlow.

The locale specifies location-specific settings. There is a locale You can set the locale:

  • for the whole PhixFlow system



  •  → General Settings → System Locale 
  • for users in Basic Settings → Locale.

Insert excerpt

NameThe Enter the name of the locale.
Language NameThe Language for this locale, used for translationsSelect the language. To add a language to this list, see Language.
Date Style NameThe Date Style

Select the date style for this locale

, used to create date formats for specific locales

. To add a new entry to this list, see Date Style Mapping.

For example to represent dates in a US format for US users, set up a US Date Style. For each Date Time Format add a Date Style Mapping with a US date format and the US Date Style. This way for users with a US locale, the date will be displayed in the US format.

Application builders use the locale to translate text strings and date formats; see Translating an Application Interface for details.