Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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In this exercise you will merge some address information – and in the same stream you will further enrich the data by looking up the postcode for each record.

Merge address and customer category data

Merge addresses and customer categories stored in the database:

  • Create a new model called Build full customer details
  • Drag on the datasource CRM
  • Create a database collector and stream to read data into PhixFlow from following tables in the CRM datasource:
  • Merge these two streams:
    • Call the merge stream Full Addresses
    • Merge on the attribute NAME from both input streams
    • Drag other attributes from the input streams into the merge stream so that you have a full set of data for each customer
  • In the merge stream, for the attribute NAME set the expression to: _key[1]
  • Run analysis on Full Addresses and view the results

Enrich addresses with postcodes

You will now further enrich the address data with post codes:
