Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following functional icons are common to many forms:

Image Removed
Image Modified

Save any changes and close the form. Note that an error message will pop up if there are any problems and the form will remain open with each problem field flagged with Image Modified. Note that if you hover over this icon, the error message relating to that field will appear.

Image Modified

Save any changes but keep the form open. Again any errors will be reported.

Image Modified

Cancel any changes (but leave the form open).

Shows a full Audit trail for all changes to this object i.e. who changed it, when and what they changed.

Image Modified

Print the form details. On the majority of forms this will launch a browser window with the object formatted for printing.

Image Modified

Open the help page for the form.

Note that the Audit trail is a useful way of reversing changes made by mistake as each audit entry shows both the new and old values. In the case of text fields, simply copy the old value and paste it into the form field.


The following functional icons are common to many grids:

Image Modified

Select an existing (or predefined) Filter or create, delete and modify Filters. This causes the grid to refresh and display only those entries which match the selected Filter.

Image Modified

Select an existing (or predefined) multi-column Sort Order or create, delete and modify Sort Orders. Note that data is ordered across all records which are implied by the Filter, not just the current page of data.

Image Modified

Pressing this icon toggles the display of additional icons for the form.

Image Modified

Export the data being shown to an Excel spreadsheet. However, please note that when viewing Stream Data, pressing this button causes an option form to open which amongst other things allows you to choose to export the data to Excel, CSV or HTML. Note also that this will export all data implied by the Filter, not just the current paged result.

When viewing data in a Chart, an Excel template can be configured on the Stream View that is used to specify the settings for the Chart.

Image Modified

Delete the currently selected items. A form will appear to confirm that you wish to proceed.

Image Modified

Refresh the contents the current grid.

Image Modified

Open the help page for the grid.

File Lists


File lists have the following functional icons:

Image Modified

Remove the reference to this file from this form.

Image Modified

Refresh the file list.

Image Modified

Import a file and link it to the current form.

Tooltip Descriptions

Most configured PhixFlow objects have an optional description field. PhixFlow will display this description as you hover over the item whether the item is on a list or on a model pane. We highly recommend that you provide descriptions for all your objects to help document your work for both yourself and colleagues.