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Table of Contents



Architectural Changes



User can now drag StreamView into the layout

The User can now create multiple tabs on layouts

Added new 'clear' icons next to Date and Datetime fields


Form Components

A number of underlying architectural changes have been made to support the new drag and drop form and workflow design process that will be released in Q1 2017.  These changes will allow the user to build much richer and better looking forms by providing support for:

  • New form elements such as tabbed areas, static text, iframes (to support displaying data from external URL's e.g google maps, pdf files, other web apps), data driven free-standing text, lines, boxes, images and more.
  • New styling options allowing the user complete control over the look and feel of the configured forms including styles that change on user actions (e.g. mouse down, mouse over) allowing the design of much more dynamic forms.
  • Combining basic form components (e.g. fields, boxes, text etc) user defined styles to create new composite components which can be saved as templates and used in turn to simplify the building of more complex forms with a common "house style".
  • The creation of user defined palettes containing related sets of pre-defined and/or user configured template components that can be dragged onto forms during the design process.

Now that the underlying architectural changes are in place we are building a new Form Design GUI which can take advantage of them.  This new GUI will be released in Q1 2017.


Bug Fixes


Pivot views now work correctly as driven views on dashboards.
