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Comment: Added planning section

This page guides you through the Sandbox Demo which is installed as an Application in the repository.

Run you PhixFlow installation and click on details to follow.

 The Quick Start takes about  30 minutes to complete. To access the demo, and follow these instructions from within PhixFlow:

  1. Run your PhixFlow installation. If necessary:
  2. Switch to 
    Insert excerpt
  3. Expand the Applications branch.
  4. Expand the Help Viewer.

Table of Contents

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PhixFlow is a flexible platform that can help you to manage your data. This Quick Start Guide guides you through the process of setting up data and building an application to view and update the data.The starting point for this quick start?? is that your business is using an Excel spreadsheet to manage a list of Business contacts. You want to make this data accessible and maintainable by more than one person, and add some simple CRM functions:

  • Be able to add an description about the business
  • Add multiple comments, for example about recent conversations with the business contact.

    This is an example of how PhixFlow can pull in the  ad hoc files that people use and maintain (shadow IT), whilst making it easy for multiple people to maintain.

    The quick start?? takes you through the steps to load the Excel spread sheet and to build a simple application to interact with the data. The Application will have a single screen, called a layout, that displays the data and lets you create, read, update or delete (CRUD ) data records. These are known as CRUD actions.

    PhixFlow has a lot of different options and settings. So that you can work through the process, some things are already set up for you:

    • the Excel spreadsheet which you can download from here
    • styles, set as system/application defaults, so that PhixFlow knows how to format data tables - which we call grids
    • a palette of application components that you can drag onto the layout.
    • styles that control the colours and appearance of the screen.

    Remember that you can:

    • PhixFlow can connect to data stored in external databases (list or link?) or data files in a range of formats (list or link?)
    • PhixFlow analysis models are a powerful tool that you can use on any data project. Analysis models can help you to improve your data integrity, by 
      • identifying missing data, duplication and variation 
      • reconciling data in different files or systems.
    • The Introduction to Modelling Course shows how to do this
    • set up your own styles and palettes to create completely customised layouts. The Building Applications Course goes through this process.
    • CRM - an application 
    • Revenue assurance - pulling in external data and doing some calculations, with views
    • billing - uses data to generate documents to send to customers
    • reconciliation
    • data validation and integrity 
      • are company names consistent
      • do you want to flag up "old" dates or missing details?
      • check for duplicates

    1. Add buttons for actions
      1. Add a "floating" form to add a description.
      2. Add the action to update stream
      3. Show the form in action - that is is always on top, and that save also closes the pop-up. 
    2. Linking forms together
      1. Add a comments stream to the model
      2. Add comment cards
      3. As layouts are not a fixed structure, but "flow" their order in the repository is important. To reorder an item, you don't drag it in the layout, but in the repository.
      4. Add actions to the card
      5. Show the audit attributes on the card
      6. Add comments on the card.
    Create an Application 



    Before you start any PhixFlow project, it is important to take time to understand your data.

    • What is your data? Do you need to represent people, places, products, money, time? These are the data entities.
    • How will you represent the data in PhixFlow? This depends on the attributes the data has.
    • Is the data "clean" or do you need to tidy it up?
    • What data is missing?  PhixFlow can combine existing data from different sources and use it to calculate additional data.
    • How does the data connect? These connections are the data relationships.  
    • What volume of data do you need to handle? For very large data volumes, you will be able to use modelling strategies to process data efficiently. 
    • What do you need to do with the data? What is the business problem you want to solve? 

    The starting point for this quick start is that your business is using an Excel spreadsheet to manage a list of Business contacts. The data represents people, and looks like this:

    Image Added

    The spreadsheet is currently maintained by one person, but you want to make it accessible and maintainable by more than one person. You also want to add some simple CRM functions, so that you can add:

    • descriptions about the business
    • comments, for example about recent conversations with the business contact.

    This is an example of how PhixFlow can pull in the  ad hoc files that people use and maintain (shadow IT), whilst making it easy for multiple people to maintain.

    titleExplore the possibilities...

    You can represent your data and requirements in an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD); see Wikipedia. It can help you to understand the data entities, their attributes and relationships. An ERD shows you the data architecture. As well as clarifying the data you already have and what you need to calculate, an ERD can help you identify:

    • static data: once added is unlikely to need updating. For example, the list of possible salutations:
      • Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir, Lord
    • control data, that PhixFlow uses for  screen input, for example data that is displayed in a drop-down list.
    • CRUD data, that PhixFlow will be able to create, read, update and delete.

    Within PhixFLow it is a good idea to be consistent, at a minimum within an application. You can use prefixes to distinguish CRUD or control data from static data. During the planning phase you can set up a naming policy.

    Create an Application 

    Create your application: It is created with default options

    Create an Analysis Model  


    1. Data and streams
    titleExplore the possibilities
    • Think about data first - ERD
      scroll down the properties - there are lots of options that you can set for your application

    Import data 

    Import the Spreadsheet

    Create a stream

    Set Period to: Transactional.

    Set Audit Manual Changes to: Ticked

    Set Description to: Big String

    Run the Stream

    New Stream  

    Create a Comments Stream

    Set Period to: Transactional.

    Set Audit Manual Changes to: Ticked

    Add attributes 

    Add the following attrinbutes:

    BusinessUID as an Integer

    BusinessName as a String of Size 100

    Comment as a Big String

    1. Run the Stream

    Add a Dashboard 

    Create a new Dashboard to manage our data

    Add the Businesses as a Grid to the dashboard

    Split dashboard vertically

    This is a place holder for the Comments

    Split left area horizontally

    titleExplore the possibilities

    You can show data as a table, but also as charts

    Add a form to a tab 

    First Tab is for Business Details

    Right click and create a new form

    From the Theme 1 Template drag a “Form Inner” onto the display area

    Drag the attributes from the Business Stream onto the left column

    Drag Description onto the right side.

    Link Tab to data 

    titleExplore the possibilities


    From the Businesses Grid, drag the UID down onto the Business Detail form.

    This creates a link, so the selected Business Is displayed.

    Second Tab is for Contact Details

    To be completed once we import the contact details.

    Add a form for comments 


    Right click on the Comments column and create a form.

    Set the form to Stream Comments created in 2d

    From the Palette Theme 1 Template drag the item: Comment Header, onto the new form.

    From the Palette App Builder Labelled drag the item: Card Container, onto the new form.

    From the Palette Theme 1 Template drag the item: Comment Card, onto the small white card in the CardContainer.

    Hold shift while doing this so the items is embedded.

    Add a dashboard



    Create a Dashboard, this will be used to edit our comments.

    Create a new form.

    From the Palette Theme 1 Template drag the item: Form Floating, onto the new form.

    From the Repository delete:

    Column Line Break

    Column 2

    Drag the following attributes from the Comments Stream onto content container:






    Give the header a sensible name and delete the dynamic text

    New Comment 



    From the repository drag the new Comment Dashboard onto the + on the Comments header.

    Mapping Identifier 

    Drag the UID from the Businesses Grid created in 2b onto the + on the Comments header.

    Set this up to map to BusinessUID

    Go into the action by right clicking the button and select Action Edit*

    Create a Context variable for UID set this to _NULL

    Add Action 

    Open the Comments Stream

    Create a new action, this is the same as the setup for the aforementioned but UID is set to Busineses.UID





