Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


From OffsetThe offset applied to the start of the collection period, relative to the period in the output stream that requires populating.
To OffsetThe offset applied to the end of the collection period, relative to the period in the output stream that requires populating.
Max Stream SetsIn almost all cases this specifies the number of stream sets to be retrieved from the input stream. However, if this is a push pipe with positive offsets this value indicates the maximum number of stream sets that can be created i.e. the maximum number of cycles this pipe can initiate.
Only collect from same runEvery time the analysis engine runs, all of the stream sets that are created by all of the streams affected by that analysis run are given the same Run ID. If this flag is ticked then the pipe will only collect stream sets from the input stream that have the same Run ID as the stream set currently being created by the output stream. You should only use this flag is both the input and output streams are transactional.
HistoriedIf ticked, the pipe will collect data from the input stream by period. So if the from and to offsets are both 0.0, and the output stream requires stream generation for the period 17/10/07 - 18/10/07, data will be collected from the input stream for the period 17/10/07 - 18/10/07. If not ticked, all data will be collected from the input stream, regardless of period. In this case, the offsets are still used to determine whether the required data periods in the input stream exist before the stream calculation can be carried out.
Read Future Data


 If you are running a stream with PeriodTransactional it is possible that as your analysis is still running, a different run can start and complete. This run can generate additional stream sets on the input stream, with a future data relative to the date of the stream set you are generating.  By default, Read Future Data is not ticked and PhixFlow ignores input stream sets that have a date in the future relative to the stream set being generated.

However, for transactional streams it is possible to tell the pipe to include future stream sets by ticking this box.

This field is only available if the input stream is set to Period: Transactional and:

  • Data To Read: All

If you have been directed to use the Custom options by PhixFlow consultants, then this checkbox is available when:

  • Data To Read: Custom
  • Only collect from same run is not ticked
  • Max Stream Sets is blank or zero
  • Historied is not ticked

Note: From version 8.0.6 onwards, the Read Future Data checkbox is always available.
