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Comment: DEV-6763 Updated for changes in 8.0.6


For advanced configuration, see Advanced Pipe Configuration.


A pipe joining a datasource to a data collector has no details to edit. All the configuration for the output data set occurs in the collector - either a database collector for a database datasource, or an HTTP collector for an HTTP datasource.


Specify what input data to use. There are 6 options available:

  • Latest: supply data from the current run (the latest stream set). This is the mostly commonly used option.
  • Previous: supply data from the previous run (the previous stream set). This is used when you are comparing data for the current run with data from the previous run, for example, today's data with yesterday's.
  • All: supply data from all runs (all stream sets). Selecting All displays the Read Future Data field checkbox, which may be used with streams set to Period Transactional streams.
  • All Previous: supply data from all runs except the current run (all stream sets except the latest stream set).
    From version 8.0.6 onwards, the Read Future Data checkbox is always available.
  • Same Run: this option should only be used where the input and output streams are set to Period Transactional. The pipe will only collect data from inputs in the same analysis run. This configuration support several analysis runs going on at the same time without interfering with each other. 
  • Custom: Advanced fields are revealed by selecting Select this option (see to display additional settings, described in  Advanced Pipe Configuration), but you are recommended not to update these unless below. We recommended that you only use the custom settings when directed to by PhixFlow consultants or support.


titleAdvanced considerations - future stream setsManaging Future Stream Sets

In some circumstances the input Stream stream may have Stream Sets stream sets that have dates in the future relative to the Stream Set stream set being generated for the output Streamstream. This may happen, for example, if:

  1. you
have rolled back a number of Stream Sets
  1. roll-back some stream sets on the output
  1. stream
  2. but
  1. do not
  1. roll-back the corresponding
Stream Sets
  1. stream sets on the input
Stream, and have then requested
  1. stream
  2. and then request that the output
  1. stream is brought up to date.

Some of the Stream Sets stream sets on the input Stream stream will have dates in the future relative to some of the Stream Sets stream sets you are rebuilding.

By default, pipes will ignore any Stream Sets stream sets with dates in the future relative to the Stream Set stream set you are generating. This is so that if you are rebuilding an old Stream Set the pipe will You want to ignore future stream sets when you rebuild an old stream set, because you want the pipe to retrieve the same data on the rerun as it retrieved when the Stream Set stream set was first built.

Similarly, if you are running a Transactional Streamwhen you run analysis on a stream with a transactional period, it is possible that while as your analysis run is taking place, other analysis runs which started after yours may have completed before yours. These will have generated additional Stream Sets on the input Stream still running, a different run can start and complete. This run can generate additional stream sets on the input stream with a future data relative to the date of the Stream Set stream set you are generating. For Transactional input Streams it is possible to tell transactional input streams, you want the pipe not to ignore use these future Stream Sets by ticking streams. To do this, tick the Read Future Data tick box checkbox, which is available when Data To Read is All (or Custom).


From version 8.0.6 onwards, the Read Future Data checkbox is always available. This means you can control whether or not PhixFlow processes future stream sets in the input stream for:

  • streams → Basic Settings → Period: any option
  • pipe → Basic Settings → Data To Read: any option


Normally when a pipe requests data from a non-static input stream, that stream will first attempt to bring itself up to date, generating new stream sets as necessary, before supplying the data requested. However, if this field is ticked, the input stream will not run. Pipes from collectors cannot be marked as static.


FilterAllows the user to set up a filter on the pipe. Also allows to set the flag to Include Audit Records. If not set, superseded records will be filtered out.
Sort/GroupSpecify the group/ order by attributes on the pipe.
Aggregate attributesSpecify any aggregate attributes on the pipe.
AdvancedConfigure advanced features on the pipe.

Filter Editor


For case 1, when using a lookup pipe, data retrieved is stored in a cache. See cache size for details. The cache extraction filter allows you, as you are processing a set of output records, to use different cached entries from the lookup for each of the records are you are processing. This is very fast compared to looking up from the source (i.e. going back to an external DB table or even another PhixFlow stream) for each output record.


Group/Order By Attribute

A Pipe can be grouped and sorted by attributes of the input stream. These are set up in the Group/Order section of the Pipe form. In fact, this section is called Sort/Group for pull and push pipes, and Order/Index for lookup pipes.


Possible aggregate values are counts, summations, averages and maximum or minimum values of Stream Items grouped in the Group/Order tab of the Pipe.

Stream FunctionThe Aggregate Function e.g. Count or Sum.
AttributeThe name of the Stream Attribute to be aggregated. Note that the value in this field is not used if the Aggregate Function is Count.
NameA new name for the aggregated attribute. Note that this can be the same as the original Attribute.
OrderThe order of the aggregate attribute.
