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This page is for PhixFlow administrators who need to monitor PhixFlow activity.


The System Console provides details on active and completed tasks, files imported and exported by PhixFlow, and the audit trail of changes made to PhixFlow's configuration.  


For logs with information related to server and Tomcat traffic, see Server Log Files.

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Console Information

The following buttons are available at the top of the System Console:

Press this to bring up the Opens the  System Logging Configuration. From this form, analysis logging properties can be configured tab where you can configure the logging for data analysis models and objects.

Press this to bring up Opens the task plan list.

There are five tabs available to that show information about the system:


StartedThe date and time that this Analysis run was started.
FinishedThe date and time that this Analysis run finished.
Archive TimeThe date and time that this Log File was archived.
NameThe name of the Task which has been run.
CancelledWhether this Analysis run was cancelled by a user.
StatusAn icon will indicate if the stream sets generated by the Analysis run were rolled back from the Stream Sets tab in the system console. See below for details.
TasksThe number of individual Tasks that were run as part of this Analysis run.
MessagesThe total number of messages in the Log File.
InfoThe number of information messages contained in the Log File.
ErrorsThe number of error messages contained in the Log File.
WarningsThe number of warning messages contained in the Log File.
Initiator TypeThe PhixFlow object that was used to launch this Analysis run.
Login nameThe user that stated this run.
ActionWhether the task was a stream action.

If a Log File is selected from the list with a right click, the Show Log Details option can be chosen from the context menu to bring up the log file.To display a log file, right-click its name to open the context menu, then select the Show Log Details.

For stream sets that have been rolled back from the system console Stream Sets tab:

  • If the stream sets generated by an analysis run were rolled back and the analysis repeated (see


  • Tab: Stream Sets


  • , below), the log file entry


  • is displayed with a


  • Image Modified button in the Status field.


  • Click Image Added to open the new log file


  • from the rerun of analysis.
  • If the stream sets generated by an analysis run were rolled back, the log file entry


  • is displayed with a Image Added button in the Status field.


  • Click Image Added to open the log file for the rollback


  • .

Tab: Messages

The log messages for the currently selected log file. For each message the following fields are shown:


Date/TimeThe date/time the audited action took place.
UsernameName of the User who performed the audited action.
Original NameOriginal Name of the Object that was changed. i.e. if the name of the object was up dated, this is the original value.
Action DescriptionA summary description of the action.



Stream Data Delete Log

Details of archived Double-click on a log to display the details of deleted Stream Sets from Streams which have been configured to archive.Details for an individual Archive Log can be viewed by selecting an Archive Log from this view, and double clicking by Stream Data Delete tasks; see Using Tasks and Task Plans.

The following fields are listed for each archivelog:

Archive Delete TimeDate and time of the Archive task .was run
Archive Task NameThe name of the Archive Tasktask.
Stream Sets ArchivedDeletedThen number of Stream Sets archiveddeleted.Archive FileThe name of the compressed zip file created to contain the archived data.

When viewing the list of Archive Logs from the System Console, the following icon is also available:


Image Removed


Restore archived data. This brings up the Restore from Archive form.

Note: Each Archive ZIP file contains a number of CSV files, each containing archived data for a single stream set. Ensure that you have extracted the CSV files for the stream sets that you want to restore from the Archive ZIP file and placed them in the restore directory before initiating the Restore.

Tab: Stream Sets

This form is only available when viewing the details of an individual Archive Loglog.

Stream NameThe name of the Stream that was archived.
From DateThe From Date of the Stream Set archived.
To DateThe To Date of the Stream Set archived.
Records ArchivedThe number of records in the Stream Set archived.
Partial ArchiveTicked if the archive was only partial.
