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Open the User List

Open the user list by clicking on the users button Image Removed on the left hand side of the main PhixFlow menu. ‘Pin’ the User menu open by pressing theImage Removedicon.Please note you may find it useful to open and pin the list of available User Groups at this stage too (although User Groups are not required until later), this is done by clicking the Image Removed button either in the current window or along the left hand side of the PhixFlow main window. ‘Pin’ the User Group menu open by pressing theImage Removedicon.expanding the sectionImage Added - Users in the repository browser.

Detailed User List

Add a User

To add a user press the green ‘plus’ sign Image Removed which brings up the ‘User Editor’ form. The following fields must now be completed:



Example Value

First Name

User's first name


Last Name 

User's last name


OrganisationName of Company and DepartmentTelco / Sales


Select a value from the drop-down list


Default Dashboard

Select a value from the drop-down list


Email address 

User's email address

Send Alerts By Email

Check if the user wishes to receive updates by email when specific Alarms are raised


Mobile Number

User's mobile number


Send Alerts By SMS

Check if the user wishes to receive updates by SMS when specific Alarms are raised

Not checked

Login Name 

The name that the user will log in to PhixFlow with



The password that the user will log in to PhixFlow with


Confirm Password

Second entry of password to confirm spelling. 


Allow Login 

Check when the configuration is complete and this user is ready to go live. Uncheck when you want to remove the right of this user to login.


Before moving on to the next section you must apply the changes you have made so far by pressing the ‘apply’ icon Image Removed. Please note, you could also use the ‘OK’ icon Image Removed but this would close the User window and you would have to open it again to proceed.

Associate User Groups

Select the ‘User Groups’ tab on the user details form to specify the User Groups which should contain the newly created User.

User Groups are added to the User by dragging and dropping the required User Group from the list of all User Groups.

To associate a User Group to a User, open the list of available User Groups (if not already open) by clicking the Image Removed button either in the current window or along the left hand side of the PhixFlow main window. ‘Pin’ the User Group menu open by pressing the Image Removed icon.

Drag and drop the required User Groups onto the User Groups view in the User Editor form. Once done, click OK and the User creation process is complete.

The screen shot below shows a User Group (Operators) being dragged over to the User window, the User Group being dragged is circled in red. The solid arrow shows the path the Users have travelled. Once it has reached the User Group tab (path shown by dotted arrow) it will be released.

Image Removed

The screen shot below shows the User Group once it has been added:

Image Removed

: right click on the header Image Added - Users in the repository browser and press Image Added Add User. See the page User for details of the settings for each user, and of how to add users to user groups.

Associate Multiple Users to a User Group


Please note, in this method you are dragging and dropping Users onto the User Group window rather than User Groups onto the User window. The overall effect is the same in PhixFlow, this method is just described as it may be easier when creating a large number of users all associated to the same User Group.

The screen shot below shows 3 Users (A Test, Administrator and Albert Einstein) being dragged over to the Group Members tab of the User Group window. The Users being dragged are circled in red. The solid arrow shows the path the Users have travelled. Once they have reached the Group Members tab (path shown by dotted arrow) they will be dropped.

Image Removed

The screen shot below shows the 3 Users once they have been added:

Image Removed

Delete Users

Note that Users are referenced in several places within PhixFlow e.g. they have assigned alarms and user tasks. Users are also referenced on rules in Alarm Generators and Workflow Transitions e.g. who should an alarm be assigned to, who should emails be sent to etcmay be the recipient of emails sent by file exporters or task plans. If a user is deleted, all references to that user will be removed. Note however that log messages and audit trails will still maintain a record of the actions performed by a deleted user.


Note: Please contact your PhixFlow support group if you occidentally delete a user.

Change User Passwords

A user with the “Set User passwords” Privilege can change user passwords (even if they have no other Privilege). To change a user password:

Open the user list by clicking on the users button  on the left hand side of the main PhixFlow menu and double click on the user whose password should be changed.

  • Enter the new password in the “Password” field.
  • Enter the new password again in the “Confirm Password” field
  • Do not change any other field (unless you have the “Administer Users, User Groups and Roles” privilege).
  • Press the ‘apply ‘ ’ or the ‘OK’ icon

 The user should now log in from another terminal with the new password.accidentally delete a user