Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page describes the sections and toolbars that occur on many property tabs.

titleTip about drop-down lists

Some properties are a drop-down list from which you can select an item. In some cases, when you open the list, its contents are created by PhixFlow based on the items in the repository. For example, if you want to select a stream, PhixFlow has to look in the repository and create the list of streams. If you have many items in the repository, generating the list may take some time. 

To clear a selection, click the X at the end of the list field, for example Image Added.


Parent Details → Container

PhixFlow lists the things that use this item and that you have permission to view, such as:

  • modelling objects
  • layout components
  • applications
  • packages.

This list does not include analysis models as these are listed in the Analysis Models section. Click on a name to open its properties tab.


If you are thinking about deleting a modelling object, be aware that the list of containers may not be complete. Other objects, applications or packages that you do not have permission to view may also use this object.

Analysis Models

PhixFlow lists the analysis models that use this modelling object. Double-click on a model name to open the model.


Optionally, enter a description to explain the purpose of this modelling object.

Audit Summary

PhixFlow logs the changes to an object's settings, including:

  • the data and time.
  • who made the change
  • a brief description of the change.

The audit summary is a useful if you need to reverse changes made by mistake. Each audit entry shows both the new and old values. In the case of text fields, simply copy the old value and paste it into the form field. You can also see audit summaries on the system console; see Audit Summary. 
