toDate(dateString, formatString)
Argument | Type | Description |
dateString | String | String to be converted into a date. |
formatString | String | Optional argument that which allows for a date and time pattern string to represent the format of dateString. |
Returns the date 14/07/2010.
toDate(in.ChargeDate,"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
where in.ChargeDate has the value "2002/12/09 09:03:42", returns the date/time 09/12/2002 09:03:42
toDate(in.ChargeDate,"yyyy MMM d, HH-mm-ss")
where in.ChargeDate has the value "2002 Dec 9, 09-03-42", returns the date/time 09/12/2002 09:03:42
toDate("2010.July.04 AD 12:08 PM","y.MMM.d G h:m a")
Returns the date/time 04/07/2010 12:08:00
The following values are available for use in dateFormat patterns:
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation | Examples |
G | era | text | AD |
C | century of era (>=0) | number | 20 |
Y | year of era (>=0) | year | 1996 |
x | weekyear | year | 1996 |
w | week of weekyear | number | 27 |
e | day of week | number | 2 |
E | day of week | text | Tuesday; Tue |
y | year | year | 1996 |
D | day of year | number | 189 |
M | month of year | month | July; Jul; 07 |
d | day of month | number | 10 |
a | halfday of day | text | PM |
K | hour of halfday (0~11) | number | 0 |
h | clockhour of halfday (1~12) | number | 12 |
H | hour of day (0~23) | number | 0 |
k | clockhour of day (1~24) | number | 24 |
m | minute of hour | number | 30 |
s | second of minute | number | 55 |
S | fraction of second | number | 978 |
z | time zone | text | Pacific Standard Time; PST |
Z | time zone offset/id | zone | -0800; -08:00; America/Los_Angeles |
' | escape for text | delimiter |
'' | single quote | literal | ' |
The number of letters used in the pattern determines the format.