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PhixFlow® Binary File Grammar Guide
PhixFlow Version 5
28 July 2015
Image Removed!worddav348d3085035cf3d99341a92e32d0d000.png|height=150,width=900!Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Binary File Grammar Nodes
3 Node Descriptions and their Attributes
3.1 Common attributes
3.2 Control Nodes attributes
3.2.1 Grammar Node attributes
3.2.2 Repeat Node attributes
3.2.3 Sequence Node
3.2.4 Choice Node
3.3 Logic Nodes
3.3.1 Script Node Anchor_GoBack_GoBack 3.3.2 Validate Node
3.4 Data Nodes
3.4.1 Record Node
3.4.2 Attribute Node
3.4.3 Tag Node
3.4.4 Length Node
3.4.5 Name Node
3.4.6 Value Node
3.4.7 Bytes Node
4 Creating the File Columns for the File Collector
5 Referring to File Columns in Stream Attribute Expressions
6 Appendix A - ASN.1 Tag Encoding Anchor_Toc505754055_Toc505754055 Anchor_Toc508076427_Toc508076427 Anchor_Ref509122098_Ref509122098 Anchor_Ref509122107_Ref509122107 Anchor_Ref509122113_Ref509122113 Anchor_Ref509122119_Ref509122119 Anchor_Ref509123051_Ref509123051 Anchor_Ref509123401_Ref509123401 Anchor_Toc145416157_Toc145416157References
This document is available via the PhixFlow online helpA binary file grammar is an XML document that specifies the structure of a binary or ASCII file. 
Note in the following sections that:

  • attribute (beginning with lower case a) refers to attributes of nodes, in the standard terminology of XML.
  • Attribute Node (beginning with upper case A) refers to a node that represents a target File Collector Column– that is, an Attribute in PhixFlow that can be used in the output Stream to populate a Stream Attribute.
  • Control, Data, etc. Nodes – that is, types of nodes specific to PhixFlow binary file grammars – will start with an upper case letter.
  • Expressions are PhixFlow scripting expressions – see PhixFlow help for more details. All Expressions must be inside curly braces in a grammar file, unless contained in a Script Node.