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PhixFlow generates processing statistics which are saved to the database. into a database table.

These statics are for use by administrators and designers who are tuning for performance.

See System Configuration for how to enable and manage stats generation.


Table of Contents


Statistics Table Structure

The following statistics are currently recorded and available as data records in the STATS table. (See STATS record definition)

The Processing statistics are generated in a single table, stats.

The table structure for stats is as follows:

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers to
toDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers to

The high-level object initiating the activity - eg. "TaskPlan", or "Action"

initiator_idId (String)The ID of the initiating TaskPlan or Action / other object.

The name of the initiating object.

context_typeStringThe activity triggered by the initiator. eg "Stream"
context_idId (String)

e.g. The "Streams" ID that Analysis was run on.

context_nameStringeg. The name of the stream that Analysis was run on.`

This a dotted notation indicating the full context.



The aspect of the system's behaviour that is measured

data_typeStringThe units of the measurement

The value of the measurement

Statistics Dimensions

The performance statistics are classified by 3 major dimensions:


the high-level object initiating the system activity e.g. Task Plan


the low-level object with which the system activity is associated e.g. Pipe

Stats Type

the aspect of system behaviour being measured e.g. database read times

Sample DateTime

Aggregate values apply to a period between a start and end time. Spot values apply to the end time.


The initiator is the object representing the user activity that caused the system activity.


Data Types that represent a rate, or amount of throughput are shown as the average rate per second e.g. the data type for the number of items generated in a stream is 'items/s' i.e. items per second. The value is calculated by dividing the total number or amount recorded in the sampling period and dividing it by the duration of the sampling period in seconds. The rate per second is shown rather than the absolute number so that if the sampling period is changed, the numbers (the rate per second) stay in the same range.

Data Types include

Data TypeDescription
activities/sActivities per second
secondsA simple time value, e.g. a maximum wait time for a database statement to execute

Seconds per second. Stats that record times cumulative times (e.g. the total of internal wait times) are normalised per second.

Where this applies to a single-threaded stats type, the value will always be between 0.0 and 1.0, where a value near 1.0 means that that part of the system is waiting nearly 100% of the time.

itemsA number of items (records), e.g. the number of items in a pipe cache.
items/sThe number of items processed per second e.g. the number of items generated per second.
ops/sA number of operations per second (e.g. databaes reads)
bytesA total number of bytes, e.g. the number of bytes of Java memory used.
busyThe fraction of the time that a resource is busy e.g. the CPU utilisation.
tasktasksA number of tasks

Stats Type


Data Output stats record details of the output phase of Data Gneration, where in which items are written to an output queue so that they can be written out by one or more writersasynchronous writer processes.

Stats TypeData TypeDescription
output.enqueue.timeseconds/sTime spent adding generated items to the output queue
output.dequeue.timeseconds/sTime spent taking generated items from the output queue
output.dequeue.itemsitems/sThe number of items/s taken from the output queue
output.wait.timeseconds/sTime spent waiting for the output writer
output.write.timeseconds/sTime spent writing out items
output.write.itemsitems/sThe number of items written out / second
output.reject.itemsitems/sThe number of items rejected / second


Stats TypeData TypeDescription
workqueue.cspt.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the CSPT work queue
workqueue.dgr.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the DGR work queue
workqueue.pdp.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the PDP work queue
workqueue.prepare.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the PREPARE work queue number of tasks in the READ work queue
workqueue.write.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the WRITE work queue
workqueue.other.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the OTHER work queue
workqueue.export.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the EXPORT work queue
workqueue.view.sizetasksThe number of tasks in the VIEW work queue

kup Statistics








TaskPlan/Action ID


TaskPlan/Action ID


TaskPlan/Action ID


TaskPlan/Action ID


TaskPlan/Action ID


TaskPlan/Action ID


Database Statistics Record Structure

The table structure for STATS is as follows:


Statistics Type:

E.g. 'Activity, Pipe, PipeLookup, PipeQueue, Stream'

fromDtmDatetimeThe start time of the period that this measure refers totoDtmDatetimeThe end time of the period that this measure refers toinitiator_typeString

The object initiating the activity - eg. "TaskPlan", or "Action"

initiator_idUidThe ID of the initiating TaskPlan or Action / other object.initiator_nameString

The name of the initiating TaskPlan or Action / other object.

context_typeStringThe activity triggered by the initiator. eg "Stream"context_idUid

e.g. The "Streams" ID that Analysis was run on.

context_nameStringeg. The name of the stream that Analysis was run on.`full_contextString

This a dotted notation indicating the full context.

eg. TaskPlan1.Stream

data_typeStringThe type of statistics data being recorded for this stats type. Eg. totalRecordsWritten, totalWriteTime.data_valueDoubleThe value of the statistic being recorded for the given data_type.