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The System Console provides details on active and completed tasks, files imported and exported by PhixFlow, and the audit trail of changes made to PhixFlow's configuration.


HELPDEVTODO: not yet in form

Press this to bring up the System Logging Configuration. From this form, analysis logging properties can be configured.

HELPDEVTODO: not yet in form

Press this to bring up the Task Plan list.

Active Tasks

Displays a log file summary for each task that is currently active.

If a Log File is selected from the list with a right click, the Show Log File option can be chosen from the context menu to bring up the log file.

Active Tasks can be stopped at any time, if required (this may be useful when testing new models) by pressing the button.

Completed Tasks

Displays a log file summary for each task that has completed.

If a Log File is selected from the list with a right click, the Show Log Details option can be chosen from the context menu to bring up the log file.

If the stream sets generated by an analysis run were rolled back and the analysis repeated (see under Stream Sets form below), the log file entry will have a button in the Status field. Pressing this button will bring up the new log file that was produced when the Analysis run was redone.


Initiator TypeThe PhixFlow object that was used to launch this Analysis run.
Login nameThe user that stated this run.
TasksThe number of individual Tasks that were run as part of this Analysis run.
InfoThe number of information messages contained in the Log File.
ErrorsThe number of error messages contained in the Log File.
WarningsThe number of warning messages contained in the Log File.
StartedThe date and time that this Analysis run was started.
FinishedThe date and time that this Analysis run finished.
CancelledWhether this Analysis run was cancelled by a user.


The log messages for the currently selected log file. For each message the following fields are shown:


Apply a filter to the list of log messages.

Refresh the list of log messages.

Log message details

Double-click on a log message to see further details. In addition to the standard fields, you will also find, on its own tab, the message detail:

Message DetailDisplays the values of the variables in the parser or detailed stack trace. Populated if an error occurs during analysis or a debug attribute function has been processed.

Stream Sets

The Stream Sets for the currently selected log file.


Roll back the data for each Stream Set, and run Analysis again. Note that when data is rolled back, any subsequent - "downstream" - Stream Sets will also be rolled back. After "reprocessing" a Log File in this way, the Log File will be flagged as "Reprocessed", and no Stream Sets will be associated with it.

Roll back the data for each Stream Set. Note that when data is rolled back, any subsequent - "downstream" - Stream Sets will also be rolled back.

Imported/Exported Files

HELPDEVTODO - check this whole section

A list of files that have been read into PhixFlow by File Collectors or produced by PhixFlow File Exporters. This is found on the Imported/Exported Files tab on the System Console, on the Imported/Exported Files tab in the Task Logs System Console tab on the System Console, or when viewing the details of an individual file.


By right clicking on a file you can select Show File Importer/Exporter. This will being up the configuration of the importer or exporter used to handle this file.

Imported/Exported Files

CycleThe analysis cycle in which the file was processed.
Processed AtDate and time that file was processed
TypeImported or Exported
File Importer/ExporterThe Importer or Exporter used to handle this file.
StatusStatus of the file.
RecordsThe number of records in the file.
FTP SiteThe FTP Site the underlying file handler is attached to, if there is one.
LocationThe location of the file on the file system.

Audit Summary

Summary details of audited actions performed on PhixFlow objects.


All Audit Summaries can be viewed from the Audit Summary tab on the System Console. Details for an individual Audit Summary can be viewed by selecting an Audit Summary from this view, and double clicking.


The System Administrator uses Privilege Codes to configure which operations should be audited. If a given privilege has been configured for auditing, PhixFlow tracks details of every associated action and presents these in an Audit Summary.

Form: Audit Summary

Date/TimeThe date/time the audited action took place.
UsernameName of the User who performed the audited action.
Action SummaryA summary description of the audited action.

Form Icons

The form provides some of the standard form icons.

Forms: Audit Details

The Audit Details of an audited action can be viewed with the details of an individual Audit Summary.

Form: Audit Details

Audit DetailsA detailed description of the audited action.

Form Icons

The form provides some of the standard form icons.

Forms: Audit Summary for Object

This form shows summary details of audited actions performed on a particular PhixFlow object.


Date/TimeThe date/time the audited action took place.
UsernameName of the User who performed the audited action.
Original NameOriginal Name of the Object that was changed. i.e. if the name of the object was up dated, this is the original value.
Action DescriptionA summary description of the action.

Form Icons

The form provides some of the standard form icons.

See Also