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In this chapter we will create a simple workflow, to create invoices for a chosen contact. This uses many of the features of app building you have used up to this point, and adds a new feature - context variables - which are crucial as you take users from one screen to another in a workflow.

Intermediate step: assign transaction to contact

In this exercise, we will create the intermediate step of the workflow, where the user can assign a transaction to a chosen contact. In the exercise you will need a sample file of transactions. You can download the file here:

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  • Add a file collector to your model, call this Invoice Transactions
  • Upload the test file Invoice Transactions.xlsx to configure the file collector and create a stream
  • Load the list of invoice transactions
  • Create a new dashboard Assign Transactions
  • Add two views to the dashboard:
    • In the top half, create a form called Contact Details Assign Trans
    • Open the configuration form for the stream Contacts, and drag on all attributes on to the form
    • Hide the UID field, and re-arrange the fields on the form - don't forget about the layout options on forms under [right click] → Arrange the selected items
    • Create a grid view in the bottom half, from the stream Invoice Transactions, including all attributes from the stream
  • Create an action on the Contacts stream - we will use this will to initiate the invoice creation process from the Contacts dashboard:
    • Name: Start invoice creation
    • Display Name: Start invoice creation
    • In the section Action Completion:
      • (We will not tick Close Parent Dashboard - in this case, the parent dashboard is the Contacts dashboard, and we want to leave this open)
      • Tick Open Post Dashboard, then Apply
      • Drag in the dashboard Assign Transactions to create a dashboard rule
    • Open the section Context Parameters
    • Create a new context parameter:
      • Name: UID
      • Expression: _form.UID
      • This will take the value of UID from the currently select contact in the Contacts app, and save it to a context variable; we can then use this value at the next stage of the process
  • Add a button to the Contacts dashboard to start the invoice process
  • Call the button: Create Invoice
  • Associate the custom action Start invoice creation with the button
  • Update the button label to Create Invoice
  • Apply a filter to the contact form in the dashboard Assign Transactions to show the selected contact:
    • Right click on the contact form in the dashboard, and go to Dashboard Options Show Element Details
    • In the element details, add a background filter:
      • Name: by UID
      • Condition: UID = _context.UID (don't forget to make the condition an expression, by pressing the ABC button)

Open the Contacts dashboard, and go into App Mode. Select a contact, and press the Create Invoice button - this will take you to the Assign Transactions dashboard, with details for the


selected contact shown.

Final step: create invoice

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