Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Layout templates allow you to configure layout components, which can be added to forms. It is often useful to build a Palette, which is a list of pre-configured layout templates, which allow you to build forms quickly using layout components which adhere to your chosen style.

Each layout object has the following settings:

NameThe name of the layout object

This only appears for

  • Button

The action that is run when the button is pressed

Snap Grid Size

This only appears for

  • Form
  • Area
  • Tab Header
  • Tab Display Area
  • Labeled Number Field
  • Labeled Date Field
  • Labeled Date Time Field
  • Labeled Drop Down Field
  • Labeled True/False Field

The sizing of the grid used for snapping components to

Composite ComponentWhether this object is to be used as part of the composite component
Stream Name

This only appears for

  • Form
  • Area
  • Labeled Number Field
  • Labeled Date Field
  • Labeled Date Time Field
  • Labeled Drop Down Field
  • Labeled True/False Field

The stream that backs this form

Display Text

This only appears for:

  • Static Text

The text to display

Decimal Places

This only appears for:

  • Dynamic Text

The number of decimal places to display for numbers.


This only appears for:

  • URL Display

The URL to display.

Position Settings
WidthThe width of the component
HeightThe height of the component

Style Elements

A list of style elements. For details of creating style elements, see Style

Shared Styles

A list of shared styles. Press HELPDEVTODO styles button to bring up the list of styles, and drag styles into this list to add to the shared styles for this component.

TypeThe type of layout component.
View TypeThe type of view this layout component can be used on.
Menu Icon SourceThe icon displayed in menus for this component.
TemplateWhether this is a template component
TooltipThe description that will appear at the tool tip for this component
DescriptionA free format description of the component

Form icons

The form for each layout object provides the standard form icons.

See Also
