Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Set a default sort order on a Stream Viewstream view

Find the Stream for this exercise:

  • Open the model Dashboards and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and dashboards
  • Open the Stream stream configuration form for Overall Debt Levels, and go to the Sort Orders tab section
  • Add a sort order:
    • Press 
    • Name: PaymentMeans,DebtLevelSort by PaymentMeans (ascending), DebtLevel (descending)
    • You add attributes to the sort by dragging them into the right-hand column (Order Attributes)
    • You change the sort order by pressing Image Removed against an order attribute
    • Press Apply
    • Press Image Added - Show Stream Attributes
    • Add PaymentMeans to the list of sorting attributes
    • Leave this as ascending
    • Add DebtLevel to the list of sorting attributes
    • Update this to descending - click on the triangle, it will reverse direction
    • Press  to save the sort order
  • Open the configuration form for the view Overall Debt LevelsGo the Advanced tab
  • Set this as the Default Sort Order
  • Press Image Modified to save your changes
  • Open the view to see the results

Add a further sort order to the Streamstream:

  • Name: PaymentMeans,CalculationDate
  • Sort by PaymentMeans (ascending), CalculationDate (ascending)

You will use this sort order in the next exercise.

In PhixFlow, any saved sort order used on a view on a


stream can be used on any other view defined on that

