By the end of this section you will be able to:
- Create a dashboard
- Apply filters on dashboard charts
- Apply sort orders on dashboard grids
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Create a new dashboard- In the left-hand sidebar in PhixFlow, press - Show the list of dashboards
- Drag the new dashboard to one side of your screen
- Bring up the model Dashboards and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and dashboards and drag this to the other side of your screen, so that you can see this and the dashboard pane
- Open the list of views from the hover menu on the Stream Overall Debt Levels
- Select Debt levels by payment means and drag it on to the dashboard pane
- Right click on the chart Debt levels by payment means in the dashboard and select Add Horizontal Bar
- Drag Debt levels by payment means 2 into the space
- Right click on the chart Debt levels by payment means in the dashboard and select Add Vertical Bar
- Drag Debt overview by payment means into the space
- Press - Save and lock the form layout
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Remove dashboard elements- Open the Dashboard Debt Overview
- Press - Modify the form layout
- Click in the banner of Debt levels by payment means 2 in the dashboard
- Press - Show additional buttons
- Press - Remove this item from the dashboard
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Add view- Drag Debt levels by payment means into the space on your dashboard
- Press - Save and lock the form layout
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Set dashboard to maximise on openingSet your dashboard to that it automatically maximises when it is opened:
- Press
- In the dashboard configuration form, tick Open Maximised
- Close and open the dashboard, it will now be maximised
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Apply filters on dashboardsYou will now filter one of the views Debt levels by payment means to show only the last 40 days:
- Go to the copy of Debt levels by payment means in the top left hand corner
- In the banner press
- Press - Show chart details
- In the chart parameters configuration form:
- Tick the flag Use Custom Default Filter
- Select the filter Last 40 days
- Press - Apply
- Press - Close
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Using background filtersOver the next two exercises you will create a dashboard that supports investigation into debt issues. First, you will create a view with a background filter:
- Open the configuration form for the view Overall Debt Levels
- Go the Advanced tab
- Set the Background Filter to Last 40 days
- Save your changes to the view
- Create a new dashboard, called Debt Investigation
- Drag the view Overall Debt Levels onto it
- You will see that the data appears with the filter Last 40 days applied (102 records showing)
- Add a new filter:
- Name: Cash Only
- Conditions: PaymentMeans equals CASH
- The resulting data set will contain records with PaymentMeans = CASH and within the last 40 days (34 records showing)
A background filter can be set on a view, as in this exercise, or in the properties of the view on a dashboard (press on the view in the dashboard). When you set up the view assess whether you will always want the background filter to apply in all circumstances; or whether the background filter needed will vary across different dashboards. |
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Using prompt for value filtersTo complete the dashboard for investigating debt issues, you will now create a filter that will allow users to enter a value in a pop up form:
- Add a filter to the view Overall Debt Levels on the dashboard Debt Investigation:
- Name: select Payment Means
- Conditions:
- Where ALL the following are true
- PaymentMeans equals _prompt.PaymentMeans
- Press the ABC button - this will now say fx
- When you have completed all these details press
- A form will pop up prompting you to enter a value – type in CHQ and press OK
- The data will refresh to show entries for payment means CHQ (34 records showing)