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Expressions contain brackets that contain set of arguments. The arguments are separated by commas. Expressions can also include:

  • PhixFlow Internal Variables
  • Functions
  • Regular Expressions
  • Text Expressions and Escape Characters
  • User-defined variables, called $-variables; see Using Variables.


    This page explains the basics of writing expressions and scripts in the dynamic fields in PhixFlow . The instructions assume you are configuring a Stream Attribute, unless otherwise stated. Itproperty tabs.  It's also useful to know the style conventions recommeded for expressions; see Expression Style.


    The internal variables that you can use in an expression depend on the context. When you are writing an expression, always check the relevant help page. This will have information about what your expression can include.

    Assigning a Literal Value to a Field

    The most basic expression simply assigns a constant value to the field.

    ExpressionAssigns valueData type33integer3.23.2floating point"Hello""Hello"string

    The elements you can use in an expression include:

    • a literal value, which can be an integer or string
    • a variable; see Using Variables. This can be:
      • either a pre-defined internal variable
      • or your own user-defined variables, called $-variables.
    • a special string that matches a pattern in a string or array; see Regular Expressions
    • another expression
    • Functions, which have a comma-separated list of arguments, enclosed in brackets,
      for example: dateGet(date,dateField)

    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents


    To assign a string, it must be enclosed in:

    • either single quotes: 'Hello'
    • or double quotes: "Hello"

    When working with strings, be aware that some characters have special meaning. You need to use an escape character for strings that include special characters; see Text Expressions and Escape CharactersThe internal variables that you can use in an expression depend on the context. When you are writing an expression, always check the relevant help page. This will have information about what your expression can include.

    Parameter Types 

    When writing expressions, it is important to consider the type of the result. For example, you can it is possible write an expression to return the integer 3 but have defined for a stream attribute with the type of the stream attribute to be a string. If there is a mis-match between data types, when the expression is evaluated, PhixFlow stops evaluating the expression and reports an error.

    The full list of types handled by PhixFlow is shown in the following table. 

    TypeDescriptionFor more information, see:
    ArrayA list values, e.g. [1,2,3]
    . For details about what other values arrays can hold and Array handling in general see
    Arrays and Record Sets
    DateA date
    . For details about date manipulation functions go to
    Date Functions
    DatetimeA date and time
    . For details about date manipulation functions go to Date Functions
    FloatA floating point number, e.g. 3.2 or 3.0 or 0.0
    IntegerAn integer, e.g. 3 or 0
    NumberAn integer or floating point number
    StringA string value, e.g. "Hello" or the empty string ""Text Expressions and Escape Characters
    BooleanA logical value of either true or false.
    Any non-null, non-zero value is treated as true

    Regular Expression
    Regular Expressions allow string patterns to be expressed; see Regular Expressions.
    Special character sequences that match a string pattern

    Regular Expressions

    Assigning a Literal Value to a Field

    The most basic expression simply assigns a constant value to the field.

    ExpressionAssigns valueData type
    3.23.2floating point


    To assign a string, it must be enclosed in:

    • either single quotes: 'Hello'
    • or double quotes: "Hello"

    When working with strings, be aware that some characters have special meaning. You need to use an escape character for strings that include special characters; see Text Expressions and Escape Characters.

    String Concatenation (+)

    The + operator also serves as the string concatenation operator. This means you can use + to  join strings together. For example if in.customerName returns "Smith" and in.title returns "Mr":

    "Hello" + " to " + "you""Hello to you"
    "Dear " + in.title+ " " in.customerName + "," +"Dear Mr Smith,"


    If you use + to concatenate a string and a number (integer or floating point), then PhixFlow treats the number as if it is a string. For example:

    "Hello" + 3"Hello3"
    "4" + 3"43"

    Using Functions

    PhixFlow has a set of functions you can use in expressions. Functions have a set of comma-separated arguments, enclosed in backets.; see Functions. Each function has a help page explaining it's syntax, which has the form

    name (arg1, arg2...)syntax is usually <name ( argThese functions contain arguments, which may be one of the following:

    The help page for each function explains what PhixFlow expects for a specific argument.

    Expressions contain brackets that contain set of arguments. The arguments are separated by commas. Expressions can also include:

    see Functions. Each function has a help page explaining it's syntax,

    Assigning Values to Variables

    In PhixFlow, you can create your own variables using a $ symbol, for example $variableName; see Using Variables.

    Insert excerpt
    Using Variables
    Using Variables

    Assigning Values From a Pipe 

    Stream attribute expressions are commonly used to fetch the value returned by a Pipe. This is simply done by suffixing the pipe name with the name of the attribute to be returned. For example: 


    This expression causes PhixFlow to look at the pipe named "in" and return the value in the field called "accountRef".


    This expression can return multiple values; see Arrays and Record Sets.

    Calculating an Attribute Name

    If the name of the attribute whose value you want has to be calculated based on other factors, you can assign the attribute name to a $-variable. You then use the variable instead of the attribute name itself. For example:


    Handling Invalid Characters

    There are two options for handling an attribute name that contains invalid characters.

    • Either assign that name to a variable and use the variable instead of the actual attribute.
    • Or enclose the name in quotes, for example:  in.'account-ref'.

    Mathematical Operators (+, -, *, /)

    Several values can be combined using the usual basic mathematical operators. For example when in.numProducts has the value 9:

    in.numProducts + 312
    in.numProducts - 36
    in.numProducts * 327
    in.numProducts / 33

    The usual calculation precedences apply, so * and / operations are carried out before + and -. When the mathematical statements involve multiple calculations, use brackets ( ) to force the correct processing order.

    3 * 3 + 312
    3 * (3 + 3)18

    String Concatenation (+)

    The + operator also serves as the string concatenation operator. This means you can use + to  join strings together. For example if in.customerName returns "Smith" and in.title returns "Mr":

    ExpressionResult"Hello" + " to " + "you""Hello to you""Dear " + in.title+ " " in.customerName + "," +"Dear Mr Smith," Note

    If you use + to concatenate a string and a number (integer or floating point), then PhixFlow treats the number as if it is a string. For example:

    ExpressionResult"Hello" + 3"Hello3""4" + 3"43"

    Adding Comments

    It is always a good idea to add comments to your scripts to explain its steps. Comments help anyone who needs to modify the script in future.

    There are two ways to tell PhixFlow that a line is a comment, and can be ignored.

    NotationUse for

     short comments up to 1 line

    /* <comment> */multi-line comments

    For some examples of using comments, plus other style tips for expressions, see Expression Style.

    Using Functions

    PhixFlow has a set of functions you can use in expressions; see Functions. These functions contain arguments, which may be one of the following:

    The help page for each function explains what PhixFlow expects for a specific argument.

    If() Function

    It is common to want to evaluate whether or not data meets a condition. To do this use the if() function in an expression. This function has 3 arguments.

    Code Block
        //argument 1 - the condition
       _out.AppleHarvestDate < _toDate('20210101'),
        //argument 2 - return this if true
        //argument 3 - return this if false

    In this expression, the first argument is the condition, which is also an expression. This selects records that have a date before 1st January 2021. The remaining arguments are simple integers - for records that:

    • meet the condition, PhixFlow returns 1 to indicate true.
    • do not meet the condition, PhixFlow returns 0 to indicate false.

    Alternatively, the expression could return strings, which must be enclosed in quote marks.

    Code Block
       _out.AppleHarvestDate < _toDate('20210101'),

    Multiline Statements and $-variables

    When you are working with more complex expression, you may have several different statements to evaluate first. To group statements together, use the do() function.

    In multi-line statements, you usually need to assign the value of an expression to a $-variable, to use later in the expression. For example:


    do (

        $name = in.customerName,
        $title = in.title,
        $salutation = "Dear",

        $result = $salutation + ' ' + $title + $name


    "Dear Mr Smith"


    Statements in the do() function end in a comma, except the last one.

    The value of an expression that is used, is the value of the last statement to be evaluated. In simple expressions, such as the example above, the last statement to be evaluated is the last line. However, in Conditional Statements, the last statement evaluated is not always the last statement in the expression. For example:


    if (

        in.customerName == "Smith",
        45 ,

    // else 36


    45 if the customer's name is "Smith" but otherwise the value 36.

    See Also