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Install Java. We recommend the OpenJDK Adoptium Temurin 8 or 11. This is the build of Open JDK that we test with across linux and windows.


Install the latest version and patch of Java

We strongly recommend that you use the latest version of Java. For versions before Java 1.8.0_151, you must install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy filesThese instructions will give you the latest patch. You can choose to install Java 8 or Java 11. Unless you are updating an existing installation of Java 8 to the latest patch, please install Java 11.

If you are still on Java 8, you should consider updating to Java 11. Check on the controls in place in your organisation for moving to a different major version of a software package. However, in practice, moving from Java 8 to Java 11 is very unlikely to have an impact, and can be treated much as patching an existing version.

Step 1 Download and Install Java


  1. From the Adoptium home page, select Termurin 8 or 11.
    This download is equivalent to the Adopt Open JDK HotSpot build of Java for 64 bit architectures.
  2. Click the Latest release button to download an installation package.
  3. Complete the installation process as directed by the package, accepting all defaults.

Optionally Set the Environment Variable

You can set a system envrionment variable JAVA_HOME if you wish. This can be useful if you have other applications that use Java. However, for the operation of PhixFlow itself, this is not needed, and most operators choose not to add this. Even if you do not set JAVA_HOME, Java programs that need to operate PhixFlow will be added to your path. I.e. you can call them from the command line by using the program name alone.

If you decide to set JAVA_HOME as a system envrionment variable, specify the base installation directory of Java, for example:

  • C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.312.7-hotspot

On Linux



These instructions assume you do not have a version of Java already installed on your server. If you do, and you need to retain the version of Java you currently have, but this is not compatible with PhixFlow, you may need to set up different users to use different versions of Java. Typically this is done by setting the PATH environment variable for certain users. In the instructions below it is stated that setting these instructions JAVA_HOME is optionalset for all users, but if you have this type of set up, you are recommended to set JAVA_HOME for the users (usually just tomcat) that need to use the particular version of Java you have installed for PhixFlow. If you need further guidance, ask PhixFlow support for advice.These instructions are based on the notes provided by Adoptium for installation, at the links below. We have suggested some settings, for example, the placement of the downloaded installation package (/tmp) and the location for the Java installatoin (/opt/jdk). You can select another location if you wish, provided that they meet any requirements stated in the Adoptium installation notesthis is only a recommended option, and is not mandatory for the operation of PhixFlow.

Where a java program is needed for PhixFlow, the documentation will either suggest that you supply the full path, or will refer to JAVA_HOME. If you do not set JAVA_HOME in this way, simply add the full path of the Java installation used by PhixFlow.

  • Prepare the installation directory:
    • If the directory /opt/jdk does not exist, create it:
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sudo mkdir /opt/jdk
sudo chmod 755 /opt/jdk

The download link is included in the text of the installation steps:

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You can either:

  • Download the installation package using by clicking on the download link in a web browser, and transfer the downloaded installation package to the directory /tmp on the server
  • Download the installation package directly to the server. To do this, find copy the URL address of the latest download from the link on the websitelink (e.g. using Right-clickCopy Link in a browser), and use it this in a wget command as below:
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cd /tmp
  • Validate the package download. The commands below are towards the bottom of the installation page.

If you have access to the web from your server, copy the command similar to the below from the installation page and run it on your server:


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If you do not have web access from your server, copy the command similar to the below from the installation page and run it on your server.

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Then compare the results against the value provided at the checksum link on the installation page.

  • Extract the installation package
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sudo tar xfvz /tmp/[DOWNLOADED PACKAGE] --directory /opt/jdk

For example:

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sudo tar xfvz /tmp/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_8u312b07.tar.gz --directory /opt/jdk
rm /tmp/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_8u312b07.tar.gz

The following steps are not mandatory, but are recommended so that all users on your server use the same version of Java. Run the following command:

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sudo update-alternatives --display java


Code Block
update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for java


Code Block
sudo update-alternatives --config java

If you get no results of

If you get more than 1 result, you will need to check with the users and the system administrator whether they are happy to make the installed version of Java the standard for everyone. Other users can still use their preferred version of Java if they wish, using environment variables PATH, JAVA_HOME and simply by referring to the full path of the alternative Java installation.

Code Block
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk8u312-b07/bin/java 1

This command creates symbolic links so that Java can be run from a common location. If you type

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which java

you will see

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  • Set JAVA_HOME for all users
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echo "export JAVA_HOME=[Java home installation directory]" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/

For example

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echo "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.13+8" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
  • To test that you have correctly set the value, start a new session and run, as any user

Code Block

Step 2 Configure Security

Update the security settings to allow strong encryption and decryption of files.

1. Go to the JRE JDK directory /lib/security/ file.


For Java 8, this will be at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/

For Java 11, this will be at JAVA_HOME/conf/security/

2. Set the crypto.policy to unlimited for the JRE used by PhixFlow, by deleting the #" to uncomment the line:
    - from: # crypto.policy=unlimited
    - to:    crypto.policy=unlimited

Step 3 Optionally Set the Environment Variable

Some installation processes set the environment variable JAVA_HOME for you automatically. If not, you do not need to set it. However, if you want to set it, specify the base installation directory of Java, for example:
