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Understanding Labelled Fields

A labelled field is a composite component, see Using Composite Components, which means it acts as a single component. It is made up of:

an area that contains:

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When a

static text field
  • a data field that displays data from the attribute.

  • Naming

    PhixFlow uses the same text for:

    • the area name
    • the data field name
    • the static text Basic Settings → Display Text.

    When you start with data, the text is labelled field is created from a table the label value and the names of the static text and data field will be set to the name of the attribute used to create it.
    When you start with a labelled field is created directly from the a palette, the text is the name you give the component is used.



    PhixFlow binds the labelled field fields to an attribute attributes with the same name, when one is present in the backing stream table or view .

    Labelled fields: a composite component comprising a data field and a static text field


    The following screenshot shows the different components in a labelled field.

    • The orange box highlights the containing area.
    • The top green box highlights static text field, which has the Display text Name.
    • The bottom green box is a data field, in this case for a string.

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    The components are grouped together. If you drag one on the dashboard, all three components move. 

    You can also see the same structure in the repository Layouts list. Right-click on a component and select  Insert excerpt_repository_show_repository_shownopaneltrue

    used to back a screen.


    The outer area for a labelled field has the properties:

    • Basic Settings → Composite Component ticked.
      This groups the child components together. If you drag the data field, the text field moves with it: see Grouping Components.
    • Advanced → View Type: Field container, to link the component with an attribute.
      When the area or data field name is the same as an attribute in the backing stream or view, PhixFlow display the attribute data in the field.

    Changing Names and Labels


    PhixFlow binds the data field to an attribute in the backing data that has the same name. To bind the data field to a different attribute, change

    • either the data field's name
    • or the containing area's name.

    If you change the name of




    labelled field

    or the area

    , PhixFlow automatically:

    • updates the name of the other componentcomponents, so the names always match.
    • looks in the backing data for an attribute with the same new name.
    • displays data from the attribute , if there is one that matches.

    The static text


    is called Label. Edit

    the static text

    its properties to change it'

    s name or the Display Text.To add additional static or dynamic text fields to a labelled field; see Changing a Labelled Field, below. Anchormore-labelmore-label

    Display Text.

    Changing a Labelled Field

    You may want to add another component to a labelled field. For example, you could add:

    • a static text component, to explain what the user can do.
    • a dynamic text component, to show information from a selected recordvalidation issues.

    However, the The property View Type Field container prevents additional components being added to the container. To add another text field:

    From the palette, drag a static text or dynamic text component onto a form container.

    1. In the dashboard right-click the existing labelled field and select 
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      1. If you are struggling to select the outer area use hold Shift when clicking.
    2. PhixFlow opens the repository listing Layouts. In the layouts list, find the container for with the selected item highlighted.

    3. Double-click the labelled field and double-click it to open its properties.

    4. Untick Composite Component
    5. In the Advanced section, the View Type is set to Field container. Expand the drop-down list and select the empty row. 

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       the properties. This "opens" the container so you can add more components to it.

      In the layouts list,

       Now you will be able to add new components to the labelled field.

      1. Use shift-click and drag
      the new text component into the container. PhixFlow moves your component to be a child of the container. Note
      1. to add new components from the palette into the labelled field.
    7. Go back to the


      Labelled Field properties to


      tick Composite Component and set AdvancedView Type back to Field container and 

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