Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Use the stream attributes properties tab to specify the characteristics of the the data in a table column.  



Insert excerpt
 to index this attribute in the underlying database.

To improve performance, index an attribute when the stream has a large data set and an output pipe from the stream uses this attribute to:

  • filter the stream data
  • sort or group the stream data.
Filter conditions are
case-independent by default

Insert excerpt
 to set new filter conditions on this attribute to be case-insensitive by default. The filter window → Ignore Case check box inherits this setting; see Filters on Data Views. For case-insensitive filters, there is no difference if the attribute is also indexed. 

This option affects the behaviour of filters for PhixFlow instances running on Oracle or MariaDB (MySQL) databases.
For PhixFlow instances running on a SQL Server database, filters are always case-independent.


Insert excerpt
 for in-memory streams, to specify that this field will be used as a key value. 

Cache Key

Enter an expression to be evaluated for each stream item (data record) in the stream. The expression can

  • either use the value of this attribute
  •  or calculate a different value

Once calculated, the cache key value persists throughout subsequent stream calculation, rather than being created from scratch for each stream item as normal. This allows you to keep track of the calculation as it progresses.

This means you can use a "persistent" attribute value in other expressions. 



Which fields can have "null"?


Apply a string type to sequences of characters (i.e., letters, numerals, symbols and punctuation marks). By default string attribute types have a fixed length of 50. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 4000.

do we need to tell users about any information-loss if data that is naturally a different type gets loaded as a string?



The maximum bigstring size can be configured in System Configuration → System Tuning → Maximum Bigstring Size.


Apply an integer type to whole numbers (not a fractions or decimals) that can be positive, negative, or zero. 

What happens if you attempt to load a float or decimal number into an integer attribute? If you store a number with decimal places as an integer it will be truncated.


Apply a datetime type to representations of a time, or day and time.

Are there any specific formats to say are recognised/not recognised?

datetime must be day and time, can't be just a time.

Same formats as for date but with HH:mm:ss on the end.
