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This topic is for application designers who need to define data tables, attributes, properties and relationships.


The purpose of an application is To configure your application to display data to users and to enable them to make changes to the data. 

  •  screen displays data in grids and charts → view
  • user adds, removes or changes the data - form fields, buttons which are wired to actionflows

How you set this up

  1. Load existing Data: 
    • Quick load from excel
    • Use analysis model to connect to databases or other external data
  2. Define data structure: Use ERDs define the logical structure of the data that your application using tables and relationships.  Understanding ERDs and Defining Data Structures using ERDs
  3. Compile views: Decide what your application users need to see. Set up views for these
  4. Connecting data to screens: Design s

Action types and table types - calclulate etc., you will need to: 

  1. Load data into PhixFlow using analysis models. Drag and drop connectors and configure them to access your existing data sources and store the data as tables with PhixFlow's own database. You can also set up complex, bulk processes to manipulate large volumes of data. 


    • changing individual or small numbers of records - transactional changes.
    • You can also bulk change. Use an analysis model for complex processing of large number of data records.
titleSections on this page

Table of Contents

  1. Define the data structure using ERDs. These diagrams define the logical structure of the data and the relationships between tables; see Understanding ERDs and Defining Data Structures using ERDs. You can:
    • either define an ERD before adding any data to PhixFlow
. In this case you create the tables, attributes and relationships
    • or you can load data from external sources first. You can then drag tables into the ERD and simply add the relationships.

Getting Data in

loading data page to do??: New concept page
  • Enter data yourself
  • Load excel files
  • Use an analysis model
  • generate test data
  • API to import from a tool
  • using input multipliers
      • This method is recommended as it ensures the data types will be correct.
    1. Compile data views that show application users only the data that they need to see; see Compiling Views.
    2. Connect data to screens; see Showing Data on a Screen. You can:
      • add data components, such as grids and charts
      • connect a parent component to a data view, so that it's child fields can display data from the same source.

    Once the data is connected, you need to enable users to make changes to data. This involves connecting parts of the screen to an actionflow; see Wiring in Actions.

    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents

    Seeing Data

    If you are working with tables that have records, to see them:

    1. Click on a table in the ERD to open its properties.
    2. In the properties toolbar, click 
      Insert excerpt
    3. Select View Chart (this should be default view!??).
    4. PhixFlow displays a grid showing all the data records.
    titleOther pages in this topic

    Child pages (Children Display)

    HTML Comment

    May need more details on options for loading data, or a separate concept page.

    • Enter data yourself, by hand (is anyone really going to do this?)
    • Generate test data using input multipliers - no instructions currently
    • Quick-load excel files - not yet implemented
    • Use an analysis model - collectors - currently the only method
    • Use an API to import from a tool - not sure if this is possible yet.