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  • This line was added.
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This page is for application designers. It explains the basic principles for how to add components from the palette as well as features to help you.

still todo-Anthony

  •  overview
  • icons
  • move pinning to bottom and note its more legacy
  • tidy text and a link to data-binding
  • design a basic form - series of - link to pages from video
  • Screen -button - create actionflow - wiring a basic actionflows


If you are new to PhixFlow and designing screens for an application, start with the Building Applications training course.the Designing Screens fundamentals course found here: Designing Screens

This page is a reminder of the drag-and-drop principles that you use when designing screens.


  • Drag -sibling
  • Shift Drag child inside
  • Preferred parent link → Drag puts it directly inside PP (child) AND  as a sibling of any other content. eg. Tile container has many tiles.
  • Parent child and preferred parent - link out
  • Reordering on screen and in repository 


    Components can be moved on a directly on a screen, in the layers section or in the repository using the following techniques:

    • Click and Drag, places items next to one another (siblings).
    • Click + Shift and Drag, places the dragged item inside the item it is dropped on (parent-child)
    • Where a Preferred Parent is present, drag puts an item directly inside the preferred parent.

    Dividing Screens

    You can divide a screen into multiple, resizing panes. There are 2 ways to divide a screen. 

    1. Use Palette layouts that have multiple areas; see  Divide a Screen Using a Palette Layout, below.
      This layout has:
      1. a container area type: split view
      2. sibling areas
    2. Use pop-up menu options Add Area...; see Divide a Screen Using "Add Area" Options, below.

    To resize a pane, drag its dividing line. This automatically resizes adjacent panes. To prevent resizing, right-click to display the pop-up menu and select:

    • Insert excerpt
    • Insert excerpt

    To remove a pane:

    1. First delete any layouts or components in it.
    2. Right-click on the empty pane to display the pop-up menu.
    3. Select 
      Insert excerpt

    Divide a Screen Using "Add Area" Options

    1. Right-click a screen
    2. Use one of the Add Area... options to add a new part for the screen, separated with a dividing line.
      PhixFlow creates a new dashboard element for this part of the screen.
    3. Add a suitable container, such as an area, form or card container. 

    If you right-click on an existing area, in the context menu click Dashboard Options to see the Add Area options.

    Divide a Screen Using a Palette Layout

    Some palettes have layouts that have 2 areas contained by a split-view area. For example:

    • Basic Components → Split View 
    • Theme 2 - App Builder Base Components → Area Split  

    1. In the screen canvas toolbar, click
      Insert excerpt
    2. Expand a palette to find a layout that has 2 areas.
    3. Drag the layout from the palette onto an existing area.
    4. PhixFlow creates a layout with the following structure:


    Split View (special type of area)

    Area 1

    Area 2

    Dragging into a Screen

    To add a component to a screen, you can drag in:

    • components or layouts from:
      • the palette
      • the repository → Templates
    • streams or views to add data-components such as grids, graphs, bar or pie charts or cards.
    • attributes to add labelled fields
    • actions to add buttons.

    Theme 2.1 has been configured so that, as you drag a component or layout from a Theme 2.1 palette onto a screen, PhixFlow will highlight which containers are designed to act as parents for the layout or component.

    Dashboard Elements

    To add a data-component to a screen or pane, drag on:

    • either a stream
      PhixFlow prompts you to select how you want to display the data and creates a view.
    • or a view
      PhixFlow recognises the view type, such as a grid or chart.


    • adds a data-component to the screen or pane
    • creates a new dashboard element. This is listed in the repository as a child of the dashboard. The dashboard element has the same name as the view.

    To remove a dashboard element, right-click to display the pop-up menu and select

    Insert excerpt
     Options →  
    Insert excerpt

    See also:

    Todo-Anthony add icons

    Drag FromItemDrag on toCreates
    Insert excerpt

    component or layout

    anywhere on a screen

    the component(s) on the screen

    repository → Layout Templates

    component or layoutanywhere on a screen

    Either repository → Stream Attribute

    Or a pop-up list of attributes

    attributean areaa labelled field

    Either repository → Stream

    Or stream properties icon (top left)


    anywhere on a screen

    • directly onto a screen
    • directly onto a screen element
    • onto an area
    • onto a form (area)

    Prompts you to select the data-component you want to add. This also creates a view based on the stream.


    Either repository → Stream → View

    Or stream properties → View section

    Or a pop-up list of views

    viewarea or component that displays dataTodo-Anthony For existing views, it knows what type of view it is. Adds the view of the type it already is.
    repository → Actionactionarea or forma button on the area or form to run the action

    default menu bar

    a button on the menu bar to run the action

    repository → Stream → Actionstream action from the backing streamarea or forma button on the area or form to run the action
    header of a data-componenta button on the header to run the action
    repository → Dashboardanother screen
    • the header of a data-component
    • default menu bar
    A button to open the screen

    titleAbout the default component palette

    When you drag items from the repository onto a screen, PhixFlow creates a component using the default template for that item. So it is important to make sure that you have set the right default component palette. This is set in System Configuration. Remember that this default will apply to all users of this PhixFlow instance.

    Pinning and Unpinning 

    You can fix the position of a component on an area by pinning it. When you drag a component or layout in from the palette it is automatically pinned. (See the table above for all pinned/unpinned).


    For components and layouts added from the Theme 2 palette, the properties have been set to allow responsive flow of the components, which override pinning.


    When you drag in an unpinned component, PhixFlow automatically puts it in in the next space available. By default, this is underneath the previous component. However, you can control the flow using CSS properties. Components in forms are represented as DIV objects. 

    You can drag unpinned components around in their parent component, and PhixFlow puts them wherever you drop them.

    You can also manually control the order of unpinned components by editing the Order field in the details of the component. This is found in the Positional Settings section of the details. The video above gives an example of using both of these methods - dragging, and manual update.


    Pinned components can be placed anywhere on an area and you can drag pinned components to any position on a screen.

    You can pin the edges of the component to its parent component using the Positional Settings in the component's details. To do this, set the offsets between the top, right, bottom and left edges of the component to those of the parent. The offsets are in number of pixels between the edge of the component and the edge of the parent. 


    If you set the right or bottom offsets in Positional Settings, this overrides any width or height set for the component.

    Switching Between Unpinned and Pinned

    Pinned components can be dragged over unpinned components, so be careful when mixing pinned and unpinned components on a form. Think of these as being laid out in two separate, overlapping layers on the screen.

    To change an unpinned component to pinned, press Ctrl and drag it.

    To unpin a pinned component, right-click on it and select Unpin Selected Objects. You can select several components at once, and unpin them all using this option. The components will move into the next available space in their respective parent components.

    Finding a Component's Container

    To find the container of a component in a screen, you can:

    • right-click on the component and select 
      Insert excerpt
      PhixFlow opens the Layouts with the component selected. You can then see how the selected component fits into the parent-child hierarchy.
    • click on the component to open its properties.
      The name of the container is in Basic Settings → Parent.
    • click on the space next to the component to open its properties.
      This option is less reliable as a screen becomes more complex, as you may not be able to select the immediate parent.

    Remember to check whether or not the component/layout is pinned. A pinned component always keeps the same parent, even if it is moved away from it on the screen.

    Moving Components and Layouts

    You can move components and layouts around on the screen, but we recommend you use the repository Layouts list as it is easier to drag layouts and be clear about the parent and sibling relationships you want.

    To move a component or layout to a new parent, press Shift and drag it to the new parent. Commonly this is used to move components inside an area to a new area.

    To confirm that the component has moved to the new parent, remember the techniques to find the parent of a component: Find a component's parent

    Order - Child items have an order in their parent. For example if there are 4 labelled fields, use the order number to specify the order in which they are listed. By default fields flow vertically, that is the order 1 field is at the top of the area, and 2 is below. If you set horizontal flow in the area Style Settings → Direction → No selection = column. change to row, they appear side by side

    Preventing Accidental Dragging

    To prevent accidental dragging of components and layouts on the screen, go to the components properties → Positional Settings section, and tick Prevent Dragging.

    Auto Sizing

    When you are designing a screen, you can use the Layout area → Style Settings→ Auto-size property to make components adjust automatically when the application's window is resized by the user. 


    If you manually resize a component as you are designing a screen, it will automatically switch off the Auto Size property.

    You can use the context menu option

    Insert excerpt
     to toggle the Auto Size property as you work. 

    Connecting Layouts to Data

    Todo-Anthony - check To connect a form area to data in a stream 

    • From the repository, drag the stream name onto an area or layout
    • From the stream properties, drag the icon at the top of the properties onto an area or layout.

    PhixFlow will prompt you to select the type of stream or card view that you want to create; see Stream Views Pop-Up Menu.

    Build Up a basic form

    Note that there are no fancy flow stuff for this.

    What data do you need to show - 

    1. Create screen 
    2. Open palette
    3. Add Basic Components > Form, and name
    4. Click on the screen to open the properties for your area. In shared styles you will see that this has some default shared styles applied.
    5. Palette Labelled fields > Add labelled fields you need. Click to see properties
      • The Labelled fields palette has composite items - see the Basic Settings checkbox.
      • there are two parts, a static text label and the data field. Making them composite means
      • They move as if they are one thing
      • The name you give to the items is used as the text for the label.
    6. Attributes list - open stream > attributes section or expand for list in repository
    7. Drag from attribute onto form
    HTML Comment

    The following videos will introduce the basic concepts of how you can drag fields into a screen: Videos in widget connector had links to:

    Code Block