Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This causes the pipe to present each candidate set to the output stream in a different way than usual. The multiplier flag is on the Advanced tab of the form.

When processing data, a Stream will usually take one candidate set For each output record generated by a stream, the stream will get a set of records from each of its input pipes. If the multiplier flag is ticked on one of these, then the stream changes its behaviour to take / instead takes one record from the 'multiplied'/multiplier pipe, and all the records on the other pipes contribute to the pool of candidate sets available to the stream in the usual way. The process then repeats with the next record in the multiplier pipe record set.will generate an output record for each record from the set of records provided by the multiplier pipe. For each output record, each of the other input pipes will provide the same set of records as normal.

Filters, sorting and grouping, aggregating

Filters, sorting and grouping, and aggregating are configured through their own tabs on the form:

FilterAllows the user to set up
filter on the pipe.
See the Order By Attribute form.


Specify the group/ order by attributes on the pipe.
Aggregate attributesSpecify any aggregate attributes on the pipe.
AdvancedConfigure advanced features on the pipe.

Filter Editor

Filters are available on a number of items in PhixFlow: Stream Views, charts, and pipes.


Country Is in ["England","France","Germany"] fx


Group/Order By Attribute

A Pipe can be grouped and sorted by attributes of the input stream. These are set up in the Sort/Group tab of the Pipe form.


AttributeName of an attribute in the input stream.
OrderThe position of this attribute in the list of sorting/grouping attributes.
Sort DirectionThe direction of the sort based on this attribute: Ascending; or Descending.
Index ExpressionIf the pipe is configured as a Look-up with an index match type set, this field becomes available. Look-up pipes can be configured for fast "indexed" access to cached data. This data is collected from external tables, files or from other streams. Indexed access is controlled through configuring a pipe with an index and setting index expressions on "Group By" attributes here.
GroupIf this attribute is part of the candidate key set, the Group flag must be ticked. Otherwise, the attributes will be used only to sort the data in the candidate set.




Aggregate Attributes define the aggregated properties that are available when data is read from an aggregating Pipe. Note that Aggregate Attributes are not available on Pipes from Database Collectors (any aggregation can be performed in the query SQL), nor are they available on Pipes from File Collectors.
