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This page is for application designers who want to define a process using a workflow diagram, and then connect elements of the diagram to PhixFlow dashboards and actions in an application. This page describes properties


An actionflow diagram is made up of a series of nodes. Each node represents a specific action. By configuring different actions and wiring them together you can create complex functionality. This section describes the properties of the different action nodes. 


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Basically the same for the following

  • Gateway (but there are different types?)
  • Open URL


Basic Settings

todo - How to do you specify the different types of gateway


NameEnter the name for the workflow diagramaction node.
Show in the Explorer


Input Connection Points and Access permissions

Open Dashboard Action Basic Settings

An application can have many actionflows, and an individual actionflow can have many actions. This can lead to many items being listed in the repository. Use this option to omit the action from the repository.

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 to display this action node in the repository.

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 to omit this action node from the repository.

Pass Through

Available for calculate actions.

Pass data through to subsequent action nodes.

Input Connection Points

todo - separate properties so should be on its own page. Should this have a description?

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Basic Settings

NameBy default input connections are named in. Optionally, replace this with a descriptive name.

Select one of: todo - check definitons are correct

  • Driving: where data is being used by the action node
  • Requested: when the input is coming back from a lookup

Data Attributes

This section has a toolbar with standard buttonsThe grid contains a list of the attributes that will pass through the input wire to this action. PhixFlow automatically lists the attributes that pass into the action when the actionflow is wired to an input with attributes. You can also:

  • create a new attribute: click 
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     and set its properties. todo - why would this be useful
  • Drag add an existing attribute to this list todo - is this possible??

To remove attributes, select one and click Image Added Permanently Delete. todo - check icon and label. What does this do? prevent them being passed through?

 This has its own properties todo - separate properties so should be on its own page. Should this have a description?

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Basic Settings


NameBy default input connections are named in. Optionally, replace this with a descriptive name.

Select one of the data types

  • String
  • Bigstring
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Decimal
  • Date
  • Datetime
  • Graphic
  • TrueFalse

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Output Connection Points


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 todo- check this appears in any

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