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The customer name in the commands below must exactly match the customer name used by PhixFlow Support to generate licence files. This argument (–customer="Your Customer Name") is optional, but if you don't specify a valid customer name you will not be able to install the licence key and you will not be able to run any tasks in PhixFlow.

The database connection strings given here should cover most cases of connecting to PhixFlow's own database. For more details, see Database URLs for how connection strings are constructed for the various database platforms supported by PhixFlow.

Code Block
cd $RELEASE/phixflow-x.y.z-yyyymmdd/install


Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:phixflow" -user=myuser -pass=mypass -install -customer="Your Customer Name"

Oracle (> 12c with PDB containers):

Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521/phixflow" -user=myuser -pass=mypass -install -customer="Your Customer Name"
