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This page is for application designers who want to define a process using a workflow diagram, and then connect elements of the diagram to PhixFlow dashboards and actions in an application. This page describes properties


IconDescriptionConnection PointsHow to wire this action

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Add another complete actionflow as a node within this actionflow.  This is useful to reuse existing actionflows, or to refactor a complex workflow by moving part of the logic to its own node.

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The input and output connection points of the actionflow node must be wired into the rest of the actionflow.

Need to test to add detail

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Add an action to open a specified dashboard (screen). Only use this action as the final node in an actionflow or branch of it. 

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Open screen nodes can be created with or without a screen attached. This is useful if the screen has not been created yet. Open screen nodes which do not have a screen attached appear with a warning symbol to remind users that this still needs to be configured.


Each open screen node has 1 primary input connection point by default called 'in'. Connecting to this connection point simply opens the screen and cannot pass any data to it. Do we still need this?

Once a screen has been attached to the open dashboard node an input connection point for each form on the screen is created. Each input connection point automatically has any data fields on the form (dynamic text or form fields) added as attributes. These attributes can be mapped to and supplied with data.

Each input connection point has the following properties:

  • Type
    This is always driving
  • Open Mode
    update: opens form fields with the latest data (not clear, refresh)
    insert: opens the screen with form fields empty (clear, not refresh)
    change: opens form fields with data (not clear, not refresh)
  • Role
    Primary: Simply opens the dashboard regardless of data
    Component: Opens the dashboard and can provide forms with data
  • Attributes
    A list of attributes available on the input connection point. These directly link to the fields available on the form. Only component connection points have attributes.

To set the actionflow to close the active dashboard on completion, on the top right of the canvas, tick Close Parent Dashboard.

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Add a node for a data view. The actionflow uses views to look-up additional data to use when processing stream-items.

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Connect a view node to the action node that needs to look-up data via the lookup connection Image Removed  icon page. A look-up connection has 2 parameters:

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. A look-up connection has 2 parameters:

  • data attribute: the attribute in the view from which you want to look-up data. For example, the view may have the attribute staff_number that you require.
  • request attribute: the data returned by the look-up. This maps to an input on the destination point.

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Add an action to manipulate the data that is passed to the calculate action. In the calculate action, write an expression using one or more of the 115+ functions available in PhixFlow.

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Add an action to deletes the specified stream-items passed to the node.

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Add a node to specify decision logic. Gateways control the route that stream-items take as they flow through the actionflow.

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Add an action to deletes the specified stream-items passed to the node.

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Add a node to specify decision logic. Gateways control the route that stream-items take as they flow through the actionflow.

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Add a node to saves the specified stream-items to their stream.

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Task tbc

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List actionflows available to your application.

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List dashboards available to your application.

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List tables available to your application.


NameEnter the name for the action node.
Show in the Explorer

An application can have many actionflows, and an individual actionflow can have many actions. This can lead to many items being listed in the repository. Use this option to omit the action from the repository.

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 to display this action node in the repository.

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 to omit this action node from the repository.

Stream Item Action

Todo-Fiona- find out if this can be renamed to something else unless it really relates to existing stream item actions.

Available for save actions. Select the specific change to make to the stream-items:

  • Either: Todo-Fiona
  • Insert: create a new stream-item in the stream.
  • Update: change part of the stream-item in the stream.
  • Delete: delete the stream-item from the stream. Todo-Fiona- check about delete node, Adam think sit may be going away.

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Stream NameSelect the stream Todo-Fiona why isn't this identified by the parent of the attribute/stream-item?

Available for gateway actions. 

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Input Connection Points

This section has a toolbar with standard buttonsThe grid contains a list of the wires that pass data into the action. 


Calculate actions process data using expressions; see pages in the topic Expressions and Scripts.

This section has a toolbar with standard buttonsThe grid contains a list of the expressions that the calculate action will perform. To add a new expression:
