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Comment: Clarified the context and purpose of external user templates

This page is for PhixFlow administrators to set up default options that external users will have when they access PhixFlow. For related information, see the PhixFlow User Administration topic.


If your PhixFlow instance is integrated with a system-wide authentication system, you may have users who can log into PhixFlow without previously having their own a user account. These users are known as external users; see Configure Groups for External Login. When they log in, PhixFlow needs to know what privileges to give external users. Use external user templates to set defaults for the groups to which the external user belongs, and therefore the privileges they haveYou configure external user privileges by matching user groups in your external system with user groups in PhixFlow; see Configure Groups for External Login.

When an external user logs ininto PhixFlow for the first time, PhixFlow will match them with an external user template. This will determine the default settings for locale, the application that opens and whether or not PhixFlow opens in Design Mode. The user's external groups will be matched against the External Groups on each External User Template in order and the first match template will be used. If no templates are matched then the last one will be usedcreates a user account for them. The user account has a subset of the options available for local PhixFlow users; see User for details. The minimal user account includes:

  • their user name
  • a default locale, copied from the System Configuration → General Settings → System Locale.

You may have groups of users who: 

  • only use a subset of your PhixFlow applications
  • work in different parts of the world, and need to have different locales.

In these cases, you can create external user templates. In each template you can set different defaults for specific external user groups. If a user belongs to an external user group specified in the template, when they log in, PhixFlow creates the user account with the defaults from the template.

Basic Settings

NameThe name of this external user template.
OrderThe order of this template. Templates will be compared If there are multiple templates, PhixFlow checks them in order until it finds a group is matchedmatching external group name. To check or change the order for multiple templates, see System Configuration.
External Groups

The One or more names of the external login groups which that will be mapped to this external user template. Use {instance} If you want to include the PhixFlow instance (such as test or production) in the external group name, use {instance}; see Configure Groups for External Login.

Separate multiple names with a semi-colon. Spaces are taken to be part of the group name.

PhixFlow does not validate the group names, so you need to make sure they exactly match the group names in your external system.

External Groups Evaluated(Read-only) The . If you use {instance}PhixFlow displays the names of the external login groups with this PhixFlow instance name filled in where {instance} has been usedthe variable replaced by the instance name.
Default LocaleRequired. The locale to use when creating users who match the external groupsin the user account.
Default ApplicationThe default application to set as use in the user 's default application when creating a new user from this templateaccount.
Default Open in Design ModeThe setting for Open in Design Mode when creating users from this templatedefault view to use in the user account, either 
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How PhixFlow Decides Which Template To Use

A user may belong to multiple external groups. To determine which template to use, PhixFlow works through the list of templates in their Order.  It compares each external group name that is listed and checks with the external authentication system to find out if the user belongs to that group. When PhixFlow finds a matching group it uses that external user template. Once it has a match, PhixFlow does not continue to check the other templates. If PhixFlow finds no matching user group, it uses the last template.

In summary, if the user is in an external group that is listed:

  • in multiple templates, the first one is used
  • in no template, the last one is used.

Make sure the last external user template has defaults that are appropriate for any user.