Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Set up a File Exporterfile exporter

In this exercise you will create an export of the customer summary report, to a file:

  • In your model, add a new File Exporterfile exporter:
    • Hover over Customer Summary by Region, and press - Add a new File Exporter
    • Give the new exporter the Name: Send Customer Summary Report
    • Press 
    • You will now see the new File Exporter file exporter on the modelling pane

Save your model layout.
As well as exporting the file to a directory on the PhixFlow server, you will email the file to yourself. Before you set this up, you need to update the user Train with your email address:

  • Go to In the lefttop-hand menu bar and press Image Removed - Show the list of UsersDouble-click on the user Train to open the detailsright hand of the application, go to the User menu
  • Select My User Details
  • Update the Email Address with your email address
  • Press  to save your changes

To complete configuration of the File Exporterfile exporter:

  • Double-click on the new File Exporter file exporter icon on your model viewIn the tab Details:
  • Tick the flag Enabled
  • In the field File Name (Expr) enter the value:
Code Block
  • In the field Output Directory (Expr) enter:
Code Block
  • Tick the flag Overwrite existing file
  • Tick the flag


  • Header


  • Go to the Send By Email


  • section, and set the following:
    • Email from:
    • Subject Expression: "Export of customerSummaryByRegion.txt at " + now()
    • Message Expression: "Please find file customerSummaryByRegion.txt attached. Generated at " + now()
    • Attach File:


    • tick
  • Go to the User Recipients


  • section
    • Press Image Added - Show the list of Users
    • Drag the user Train (the user you are currently logged in as) into the list of recipients
  • In the


  • file exporter configuration form, press Image Modified

    Note that the pipe to the


  • file exporter is dotted – this means that it is a Push pipe. When linking a


  • stream to a


  • file exporter you must always use a


  • push pipe. This is because you cannot run a


  • file exporter on its own; it must always be driven from a


  • stream (otherwise, it has no data to process).

  • Run


  • analysis on the


  • stream Customer Summary by Region
  • Check the log


  • messages generated in the


  • console – in particular scroll to the end; you should see messages telling you that a file has been exported
  • Now find your file - you should have received an email with the file attached
  • The file


  • has also been exported to the PhixFlow server