Adding Wires
To add a wire to an actionflow diagram:
- Hover your mouse pointer over an action.
- PhixFlow displays a pop-up connector icon.
- Click the icon and drag.
- Drop the connector
Option 1: drop onto empty canvas.
- PhixFlow opens the pop-up toolbar. Select which type of action you want to use next.
- Enter a name for the new action.
Option 2: drop onto an existing action - PhixFlow opens the Mapping window.
Option 1: Create the next action from the wire
Option 2: Wire to an existing action
Mapping Connection Points
Input Connection (available data or user action) map onto the Connection Point in order to pass data to the Actionflow.
- Drag the Input Connection's "Output Connector" onto the required Connection Point.
- The mapping window opens.
- Drag the attributes from the Input Connection (Left) onto the Connection Point (Right)
- Ensure the type of data is the same i.e. we cannot map a text field onto a date field as they are not compatible.
- Create Target Attributes (Optional): drag an attribute on the left to the white space on the right, this will automatically create an attribute of the same name and type.
- Confirm the mapping. Now the "Output Connector" will be blue to indicate it has been mapped .
- Repeat these steps for any additional mappings required.