Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerpt


If you have loaded data into an ERD and need to change the data type of any of the attributes, first roll back the data in the table. To reimport the data or import different data, use an analysis model; see Analysis Models for Batch Processing Data.

Rolling Back Data in an ERD

The following instructions explain how to roll back all the data in a table, so that you can change an attribute's data type.


If you want to clear some but not all data, see Rollback Recordsets for what to do.

  1. Open the properties of the table you want to clear.
    For example, in the ERD, click on the table.
  2. In the table properties toolbar, click 
    Insert excerpt
     to open the menu.
  3. Select 
    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow opens a window listing all the recordsets.
  4. Right-click on the first run that you want to roll back and select 
    Insert excerpt
  5. PhixFlow opens the Rollback window.

    • Select Rollback all data.
    • Untick Keep Old Streamsets

  6. If you are sure you want to clear all data, click Confirm.

Reimport or Add More Data

To import data to PhixFlow, create an analysis model. Add a file collector to import data into a table.

  1. In your application Home page, click Analysis.
  2. Click 
    Insert excerpt
    . PhixFlow guides you through the process of creating and naming an analysis model.
  3. In the model toolbar, click 
    Insert excerpt
     to list the tables in your application.
  4. Drag a table onto the canvas.
  5. Mouse-over the table to display the popup toolbar. Click 
    Insert excerpt
  6. PhixFlow add a 
    Insert excerpt
     to the model.
  7. Mouse-over the file collector to display the popup toolbar. Click 
    Insert excerpt
  8. PhixFlow opens file browser window. Navigate to your file and click Open then 
    Insert excerpt
  9. Mouse-over the table again and select 
    Insert excerpt
  10. PhixFlow runs the analysis model to load the file into the table. Check that the data has loaded correctly; see Viewing Data in a Table.