If you have installed PhixFlow for the first time, and you may want to do the minimum set-up so that you can start creating models and basic applications is:.
- Login as the startup user.
- Add your licence key to System Configuration → Advanced → Licence Key
Create a user with Administrator privileges.
Expand title How? - In the Full Repository → Role, create a new role called “Administrator”.
- In the role properties → Privileges section, open the list of privileges and drag them all into the role.
- In Full Repository → User Group, create a new group called “Administrators”.
- In the user group properties → Roles section, open the list of privileges and drag in the “Administrator” role.
- In Full Repository → User, create a new user for yourself.
- In the user properties → User Groups section, open the list of user groups and drag in the “Administrators” user group.
- Check your new user account works.
- Logout
- Login using your new user account
- Once your account works, delete the startup user.
- Set up the two essential file locations in System Configuration → System Directories:
For a full system with multiple users, you need to configure:
- the connections Connections to external data sources, e.g. databases, email servers
- all All the system directories and other System Configuration options; see System Configuration and System Logging Configuration
- data Data formats
- Optionally localisation; see System Localisation and Localising Applications
Users and privileges: , either in PhixFlow or by integrating with external login systems; see User Administration. You can optionally configure PhixFlow to integrate For integratation with other authentication systems, see:
- Configure Active Directory Integration: users are authenticated using one or more Active Directory servers in addition to users that are defined locally within the PhixFlow database.
- Configure SAML Integration: map the PhixFlow user groups to user groups in your existing single-sign-on system.