New How to page2.3 and 2.5
Stuff to go to theĀ GUI page from XD 1.7 onwards
- Bottom right, notification of running actions image action-notification.png
- Also 1.4 Header bar customisation -system config New level called Environment Header logo and icon PhixFlow, compact and Custom
- And login window screenshot for desktop and mobile
Section XD 2 exp 2.3 and 2.5
Starting point Welcome to PhixFlow
- Create a new application
- Select an existing Application - List or card view - icon view
- Import an application
This page - how to create
End point Application home page with access to Data, Design and Workflow. Same links as shortcuts in the header bar. ALSO Application settings link
Additional configuration for your application. Opens application properties on the right- see the properties. Set all the core stuff that applies to the whole application. Your chosen theme has defaults for these things. you can change them at any time.