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See System Requirements and Compatibility.

Max Server Memory

At least 2 GB

The following configuration parameters must be set in my.cnf


Ensure that the data dir being used has sufficient space for the initial period of PhixFlow operation.

This is in the [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.



This must be added to the [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.


28800 (this is the default, but some installation processes set this to a much lower value)

This must be in the [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file.

The following configuration parameters can optionally be set in my.cnf



If set in my.cnf, this must be added to the [mysqld] section of the file.

For details on why this setting is recommended - and the alternatives if you do not want to set in this my.cnf - see Running non-deterministic functions


If the first option does not come up, respond to Set root password? with y instead. This should only happen if you're installing an old version of MariaDB.



If you want to access your database from another server:

  • Open your firewall for inbound TCP connections to your server's port (default port is 3306).

Add Admin Users

You could now use the root user for everything, but

  1. it is better practice from a security viewpoint to create individual users with their own passwords,

  2. by default, the root user doesn't allow remote access

You can add admin users using mysql:

Code Block
cmd> mysql -uroot -p
password: ****
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'auser'@'%' identified by 'apassword' with grant option;