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This page is for data modellers and application designers who want to select specific attributes to configure options  that appear in a screen, and to format how the data will be displayedview component's header.


The menu item properties panel is accessed from the view properties → Actions tab → Menu Item grid. Use the menu item properties to create menus and sub-menus that appear in the header of a view component. Associate the menu item with A view component on a screen is designed with a header bar. The options in the header bar are listed as Menu Items in the view properties. This page explains the properties for a menu item. Usually, these properties are set automatically when you drag a table-action or actionflow that will run when the application user clicks on the menu item.

The view component on the screen is designed with a header bar. You can configure buttons, menus and sub-menus that are displayed in the view's header bar. Each button or menu item also has an associated table-action that runs when the application user clicks the item. You can only add table-actions from view's parent table.

There are three ways to add lists and buttons:

 Click on the  Insert excerpt_actionflow_actionflownopaneltrue icon in the section's toolbar.
  • PhixFlow opens a list of the table-actions available on the parent table.
  • Drag a table-action from this popup form onto the grid.
  • If you drop onto an existing menu item, PhixFlow prompts you to:
    • either create a new button 
    • or add the action to the menu item.
  • If you drop onto an existing menu item, PhixFlow adds the dragged action to the list
  • Open the Table properties. Drag actions into Properties tab→ Actions section list.
  • Click the  Insert excerpt_add_addnopaneltrue icon in the toolbar to create a button, menu or sub-

    onto a view component's header; see the View properties, Menu Items section for details.

    You can also create a new menu item, via the view properties → Actions tab → Menu Item grid, which opens the menu item properties.

    Menu items can act like buttons or like menus.

    PhixFlow messages may refer to menu items as buttons. This is because single options on the header act like a button. When the application user clicks the option, PhixFlow runs the associate action. Where the option opens a list of sub-options, 

    • Single option: when the application user clicks the option, PhixFlow runs the associate action. This acts like a button.
      PhixFlow messages related to menu items often refer to buttons.
    • Nested options:  when the option on the header opens a list of sub-options, it acts like a menu.

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    Basic Settings


    Click Action

    Select the type of action that PhixFlow will run when the user clicks on the menu or sub-menu itemoption.

    • No Action
    • Stream Action (table-action)
    • Actionflow

    Available when Click Action is Actionflow. Save You must save a new menu item before setting this property.

    To add an actionflow:

    1. Click 
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       to display a list of available actionflows in the repository.
    2. Drag the actionflow from the list into this field.

    To create a new actionflow, click 

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    ; see Creating Actionflows.


    Available when Click Action is Stream Action

    To add a table-action:

    1. Find a table-action:
      • To reuse a table-action from a different table, click 
        Insert excerpt
         to display a list of tables. Expand a table to see its associated table-actions.
      • To display a list of table-actions available to the parent table of this view, click
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    2. Drag the table-action from the list into this field.

    Remember, if drag a table-action directly onto a header or into the View properties, Menu Items section, PhixFlow automatically sets these properties.


    Available for sub-menus.

    Enter a name of the action button. PhixFlow stores the menu item with this namethat PhixFlow uses to store this menu item. Use this name if you need to refer to this menu item elsewhere in PhixFlow. This is not the text that appears to the application user.

    Display Name

    Enter the menu option text that an application user sees in the view header, or sub-menu.


    Specify a number that is the order that the menu item appears:

    • either on the header bar, with 1 being the leftmost
    • or in a sub-menu , the order in the list, with 1 being the first.
    Menu Items

    Available for sub-menus.

    The grid lists the menu items nested in this menu item. To add more menu items, click 

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      Learn More

    For links to all pages in this topic, see Designing Screens.

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