Java 8: this will be in
Java 11: this will be at
Open Tomcat MonitorProperties window. If you need further details on how to open this, see: Tomcat start/ stop, open properties
If you have followed the standard installation instructions, you have already done this.
Update service script
cwelford@PF-000151:/mnt/c/Program Files/Eclipse Adoptium$ find . -name jvm.dll -print
./Open the tomcat service script at /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service
in the script to the value of $JAVA_HOME
in your environment. You must make this the full path for the Java installation, you cannot refer to the environment variable in the script. The resulting file will look similar to this:
Code Block |
[Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container After=network.target [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.13 |
Environment=CATALINA_BASE=/opt/tomcat |
Remove old version
Delete the previous installation