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Actionflows consume data through their Connections (also known as the Input Connection Points). There are also circumstances where an actionflow does not require any input data and instead the Input Connection Point is configured to consume an event, such as a mouse click. All Actionflows are connected to an event that runs the actionflow,  and have at least one Input Connection Point as its driving input connection point i.e. of type Input.

Input Connection Points are the interface to the actionflow. They define the inputs, lookups and outputs the actionflow is expecting, and specify what data, if any, is passed through them.

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Two screens use the same actionflow.

One actionflow expects an Area Code to calculate a distance. The screen passes the actionflow a Postcode, this is mapped into the actionflow onto the Area Code attribute using the Input Connection Point mapping.

A second screen can reuse the actionflow (this is referred to as an instance) and pass in a Zip Code which is mapped into the actionflow using the Input Connection Point mapping

Driving and Lookup Connection Points

  • If you connect a node via a driving connection, records are returned individually to the connected node and flow one by one through the remainder of the actionflow.
  • If you connect a node via a lookup connection, the records are returned as an array within one recordset. Nodes wired via lookup connection points require both:
    • Data Attributes: add attributes from the view. PhixFlow looks-up data from these attributes. 
    • Request Attributes: when the actionflow runs, PhixFlow returns the data to these attributes.

The following sections explain the properties for input and output connection points.

Input Connection Point Setup Wizard

When a new input is connected the mapping wizard will appear. To reopen the mapping wizard:

  1. Click on the connector between the Input Data and the Input Connection Point.

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Mapping Properties

Data to be Used

Data NameDescription
Selected RecordsRecords selected in the Input. For example multiple records selected on a grid.
Edited RecordsRecords that have been edited on the input. For example, only records which have been edited on a grid.
PageAll records on a page. For example a single record being edited using a form.
Dragged RecordsSelected records that have been dragged onto a drop target.
Drop Target RecordsRecords Dropped onto a drop target.


  1. Drag a record from the left (input) onto a corresponding record on the right (Input Connection Point)
    1. If no corresponding record exists in the Input Connection point one can be added by dropping an incoming record into the empty space on the right, this causes a new record to be created.
  2. This input is now mapped correctly into the actionflow. 
  3. Repeat for all required inputs.
  4. Click Confirm Mapping.

Further information, see Wiring Actionflows.

Input Connection Points 


titleSee Details...

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the Actionflow.
Action Phase


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 that the connection point is in. See Actionflow Phases.


Minimum Records The minimum number of records that the Actionflow needs to run. If the received records are not above the minimum set, the Actionflow will not run.

Maximum Records The maximum number of records that the Actionflow is permitted to runIf the received records exceed the maximum set, the Actionflow will not run.

Input Parameters


The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow.

TypeThe data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow.

Default Expression

A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or if the value is null or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it).

Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference.

For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName


If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string.

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titleSee Details...

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the Actionflow.
Action Phase


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 that the connection point is in. See Actionflow Phases.

Input Parameters


The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow.

TypeThe data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow.

Default Expression

A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or if the value is null or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it).

Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference.

For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName


If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string.

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Image RemovedImage AddedLookup

titleSee Details...

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the Actionflow.
Action Phase


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 that the connection point is in. See Actionflow Phases.


Minimum Records The minimum number of records that the Actionflow needs to run. If the received records are not above the minimum set, the Actionflow will not run.

Maximum Records The maximum number of records that the Actionflow is permitted to runIf the received records exceed the maximum set, the Actionflow will not run.

Request Parameters

Attributes used to filter the lookup.


The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow.

TypeThe data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow.

Default Expression

A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it).

Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference.

For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName


If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string.

Response Parameters

Attributes returned by the lookup.


The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow.

TypeThe data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow.

Default Expression

A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it).

Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference.

For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName


If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string.

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Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Understanding Actionflows

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