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This page is for PhixFlow application designers who need to create a new application, or change the defaults for an existing application.

Is application logo moving to system config?  Application Logo

Select an uploaded image to provide customised branding for the application. When a user clicks this image, it will open the application menu. We recommend an image size of approximately:

  • height: up to 40 pixels
  • width: up to 300 pixels.


In PhixFlow to design an application GUI, you add components to a screen. Components include tables, charts, menus and buttons. By connecting the components to the data in tables (streams), you can create applications. Application users can load an application to interact with the table (stream) data, for example to view and update it.

You can use the application properties tab to configure the application to set:

  • different data defaults compared to the PhixFlow system defaults
  • default style settings to use for all the layout components in the application
  • the options to appear in the menu bar for the application

    For how to:

    To access the application properties:

    • either go the the application Home window and use the link in the top right of the window
      Image Added
    • or open its properties from the repository.

    PhixFlow opens the application properties on the right. You can use the options to set:

    • whether you want a menu bar, and which menu options appear there
    • access privileges to specify which users can use the application.

    For information about sharing components or data between applications, see Package.

    Simplify loading and creating into one section with link. Also thinking they would be better on one page

    Loading an Application

    There are several ways to load an application. You can: 

    click the 9dot?? or PhixFlow logo to open the Insert excerpt_app_menu_app_menunopaneltrue; see The Application Menu, below renamed to Welcomein the repository, right-click on the application name and select  Insert excerpt_app_load_app_loadnopaneltruein a browser, enter the application URL; see Starting PhixFlow on the Client. When PhixFlow is started in this way, you can still navigate to other applications that you have permission to access.
    Shortcut to app settings.
    • the theme that your application uses
    • data formats, if you do not want to use the PhixFlow defaults
    • any packages containing shared resources that your application can use; see Package.

    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents

    Creating a New


    To create a new application:

    either in the repository, right-click Applications and click  Insert excerpt_add_addnopaneltrueor, open the  Insert excerpt_app_menu_app_menunopaneltrue; see The Application Menu, below.
    Click the last card, which is the New Application card:

    Image Removed

    When you create a new application in the repository, PhixFlow automatically creates a menu item for it. You can find the menu in the repository → Menus branch → application_name_Menu. When you add the first option to the menu, it is automatically displayed on the right of the menu bar at the top of the PhixFlow window; see Menu.

    Application Properties

    Insert excerpt





    The name of the application.

    Created by

    The name of the person who created the application

    DescriptionThe description of the application. Consider including the purpose of the application and who is responsible for it.
    Application Icon

    Select an uploaded  image to use in the application menu card for this application. We recommend an image size of approximately:

    • height: up to 100 pixels
    • width: 100 to 150 pixels.

    See Image for how to upload an image to PhixFlow.



    This section lists the menus and the associated actionflows or stream item actions?? that have been created for your application.

    At the bottom of the list are the Delete ??add icon and Add ??add icon buttons.

    Previous functionality. How done now... Check Menu page?? The ticked menu is used as the menu bar for the application.

    The A default menu is created automatically with the applcation. 

    Adding a menu process??

    Link to Menu page??application.

    You can specify that PhixFlow uses a different menu for desktop and mobile devices. In the grid, right-click a menu to display the context menu and select:

    • Insert excerpt

    • Insert excerpt

    PhixFlow will display in the default menu in the menu bar:

    • once options have been added
    • and when Show Default Menu Bar is selected (see below).

    PhixFlow displays the mobile or desktop icon next to the application's name. Using that context menu the user can also load the application with selected menu. All options available in the context menu are:You can also use the context menu

    Use the buttons below the list to:

    • Insert excerpt
       add another menu to the list; see Menu properties

    • Insert excerpt
       delete the menu from this application.

    Additional options related to user navigation are:



    Show Application in Menu

    Select whether or not this application appears in the 

    Insert excerpt
    . For example, you may have a test application that should not be visible to other PhixFlow users. Use the repository to open an application that is not present in the Welcome window's application list.

    Show Default Menu Bar

    If you want menu options for the user to navigate your application, select this potion. PhixFlow displays the menu bar at the top of the application screen. Use the Navigation settings to add menu options. See PhixFlow's Interface for screenshots showing the default menu bar.

    Access Permissions

    For details about how to control access to an application, see Common Properties → Access Permissions.

    Style Settings




    The name of the theme that defines the defaults and styles for this application. The theme provides a set of palettes  and sets some style defaults, such as the styles for grids that you add to screens.

    Select the palette that you want to use when you drag stream attributes onto a layout or area. PhixFlow uses this palette when its container application is running.

    What about this??
    If the container application for is not running, PhixFlow uses:

    • either the default palette set for the area.

    • or the default palette for the destination application when you are dragging stream attributes into a layout for a different (destination) application that is running.

    If you do not set a default palette, PhixFlow uses the system default palette.

    You can change style settings:

    • in the template components in the palette
    • create shared styles
    • set styles on individual components

    Shared Styles and Style Order

    Date Select the default format for Date attributes and components.

    Select a format from the drop-down list or click the icons to:

    Insert excerpt
    : shows the formats available for this application in the repository.

    Insert excerpt
    : create a new format.

    Date Time Select the default format for DateTime attributes and components.
    NumberSelect the default format for numbers.

    UX question - should these be dropdown lists?? Not sure about add here??


    This section has a toolbar with standard buttonsThe grid contains a list of packages that contain this application. To add an application to the list:

    1. Click
      Insert excerpt
       to list all the packages in the repository.
    2. Drag packages into this list. 

    To remove a package from the list, use the toolbar button  

    Insert excerpt

    To be confirmed??

    From original doc...

    The styles you select override any styles set in System Configuration. You can override these defaults for individual grids using the style settings in the Stream View properties.

    To specify a style, select it from the drop-down list or click the icons to:

    • Insert excerpt
      : shows the styles available for this application in the repository.

    • Insert excerpt
      : create a new style.

    To be confirmed??

    This may be moving to system??



    Application Logo

    Select an uploaded image to provide customised branding for the application. When a user clicks this image, it will open the application menu. We recommend an image size of approximately:

    • height: up to 40 pixels
    • width: up to 300 pixels.

    See Image for how to upload an image to PhixFlow.

    Application Menu and Context Menus

    The Application Menu 

    When you run PhixFlow in 

    Insert excerpt
     without loading an application, you will see the PhixFlow logo and text in the top left of the window. You can click this area to open the  
    Insert excerpt
    . The menu lists the applications available in the current PhixFlow instance.

    When you run PhixFlow in either 

    Insert excerpt
    Insert excerpt
    , if your PhixFlow URL does not specify an application, the 
    Insert excerpt
     opens automatically when you log into PhixFlow.  

    To open the 

    Insert excerpt
    at any time:

    • either click on the logo/name in the top left of the PhixFlow screen. By default this is the PhixFlow logo and name  .
    • or, if your application has been configured to have no menu bar, click the logo in the bottom right of the PhixFlow screen. By default this is the PhixFlow logo .

    Your administrator can configure the graphic that appears in the menu bar in the application properties → Basic Settings → Application Logo option, below.


    Insert excerpt
     lists the available applications as cards, for example:



    Insert excerpt
     displays the applications:

    • that have been configured to appear on menu
    • and that you have permission to use.

    The repository → Applications branch displays the applications that you have permission to use.

    Application Card Context Menu

    Each application card also has a context menu. To open the application card context menu:

    • either right-click anywhere in the card
    • or hover your mouse pointer over the card to display its 3-dot context menu icon in the top right. Then click the 3-dot icon   icon.

    Repository Application Context Menu

    Applications also have different context menu available from the repository. To display the repository application context menu, right-click the name of an application.

    Context Menu Options

    Available in context menu accessed fromOptionDescription

    application card and
    repository application name

    Load Application
    Load the selected application so that it is running in 
    Insert excerpt
    application cardLoad application in a New TabOpen a new browser tab with the selected application loaded.
    application cardLoad Application in a New WindowOpen a new browser window with the selected application loaded.
    repository application nameFilter by NameIn the repository browser, use the application name to display only the repository tree for the selected application. The application is not loaded.
    repository application nameEdit
    Insert excerpt
    , open the properties for the selected application.
    repository application name
    Insert excerpt
    Delete the selected application from the repository. This cannot be undone.