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Insert excerpt

What is a HTTP Action?

Image Added

HTTP actions performs HTTP(S) requests to external APIs and returns the response.

A HTTP action has two outputs. One input request will generate one output record, which will be sent on either the out or error output. A HTTP request will be triggered for each input record and generate one output record.

The response from the server (headers and body) will be treated as the result record, with the input attributes added as passthrough fields.

  • URL: A template the computes to the URL of the request (including protocol).

  • Method:

    Creating HTTP Actions

    1. Click and drag the 
      Insert excerpt
       icon from the toolbar onto the canvas
    2. Enter a name for the HTTP action, then select Create Action
    3. In the HTTP action 
      Insert excerpt
       on the right, populate the following details:
    FieldDescriptionExample Value
    NameName given to the HTTP Node. This will be displayed on the actionflow canvas.BankHolidays
    HTTP MethodThe HTTP method. A drop-down field containing
    : GET, POST, GET or POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, other
    . If other is specified a text box will allow the entering of
    custom, none empty,
    a custom value which is not empty and contains only uppercase letters
  • Headers: A table of name, value pairs. The name will be treated as a case insensitive string, the value will be treated as a template expression. Duplicate names are permitted and should result in each value being sent in the request.

  • Body:
    URL Template

    A template that computes the URL of the request.

    Expects literal values or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example ${in.MyValue}.
    Body Template

    The body is optional for an HTTP message but if it is provided then it is used to carry the HTTP request data. If a body is provided then usually Content-Type and Content-Length headers lines specify the nature of the body associated.

    In PhixFlow if this evaluates to whitespace only then it is not included in the request.

    The body expects literal values, or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example ${in.MyValue}.

    An optional template expression. If this evaluates to only whitespace then it is not include in the request


    An optional JEP expression to determine if the response is an error and so sent on the error output. The expression will have access to the input record (in) and the mapped output response (_result).


    An optional JEP expression to determine if the response is an error and so sent on the error output

    .An Output Attributes section will be available on the http action editor. This will work the same way as the calculate and extractor nodes operation.


    Log Traffic

    Toggle on Image Added or toggle off.

    Logs the response of the HTTP request.

    Maximum HTTP Log LengthRestricts the size of the log traffic.

    Use Raw URL

    If enabled the URL Template value is sent in exactly the format it is provided to the HTTP Node. If not enabled PhixFlow will transpose values to form a valid URL, such as replacing spaces with %20.


    Insert excerpt
     all settings

    5. Hover over the 

    Insert excerpt
     action on the canvas to see the output connection points

    Output Connection Points

    The grid contains a list of output connection points, by default this will be out and error

    Output Connection PointDescription
    OutContains the resulting record of the request. 
    ErrorContains the resulting record of the request where it satisfies the error expression specified on the HTTP Node. 

    A HTTP action has two outputs. One input request will generate one output record, which will be sent on either the out or error output. A HTTP request will be triggered for each input record and generate one output record.

    The response from the server (headers and body) will be treated as the result record, with the input attributes added as passthrough fields.

    Output Attributes

    The attribute expression will have access to the input (in) and an _result record.

    The result record will be structured equivalently to the following JSON document (there is no requirement to actually generate a JSON string to produce the document, just conceptually this is what the string would look like and JEP should operate as if it had come from the equivalent string.

    • Result fields

      • body: the response body as a string (string)

      • url: the url the request was sent to (string)

      • status: the returned status code as an in (getCode()) (int)

      • status message: the returns status message (getReasonPhase()) (string)

      • status family: the returned status code family (100, 200, 300, 400, 500) (int)

      • error: true if internalError is true, or the error expression (or default expression) returned true (TrueFalse)

      • transmissionError: true if the error was generated internally by PhixFlow (e.g. a pseudo response for connection timed out etc) (TrueFalse)

      • headers: a map of header names → array of values ( headerName : [value1, value2]} (Structured Data)

    Output Record

    An HTTP Node has two output connection points out and error. An HTTP Node is triggered for each input record and will generate one output record which will be sent on either the out or error output. 


    output attributes will default to have:
  • status: _result.status

  • status_message : _result.status_message

  • contentType: _result.headers.”Content-Type”

  • body _ result.body

    resulting record contains the attributes specified by the output connection point, successful records are passed down the out connection point and records containing an error are passed down the error connection point. The stricture of the records by default is as follows:

    1. body: The content returned by a successful request. For example, JSON content.

    2. contentType: The type of response provided by the target HTTP request. For example, application/json; charset=utf-8.
    3. status: the returned status code.For example, 200.

    4. status message: the returns status message. For example, OK.


    A table of name, value pairs. The name will be treated as a case insensitive string, the value will be treated as a template expression. Duplicate names are permitted and should result in each value being sent in the request.

    HTML Comment

    Insert excerpt
    HTTP Node
    HTTP Node

    Worked Example

    Here is a worked example using the Shop Data (available from the Learning Centre).

    In this example, we are using:  

    • Shop Shipping screen containing a grid of Orders data, a grid of Order Lines data, an area containing a Date form field and buttons  - this screen was created using the Multi-Tile template
    • A Shop Shipping Popup screen containing a grid of the bank holiday data  - this screen was created using the Tile no Buttons template

    If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, the data and screens have already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Intermediate Application. For these example, we'll be working on the Search button on the Shop Shipping screen, and the Shop Shipping Popup screen


    Identify Bank Holiday Dates

    In this example, we'll create an Actionflow that checks if a new customer's name matches any existing customers, then shows this information in a pop up.


    Bank Holidays

    Select shipment date date field (date picker), then press Ship Date which changes the status of the order and order lines to completed.
    Area underneath showing upcoming bank holidays

    Shop Shipping Screen

    Shop Shipping Popup Screen

    Table Setup

    1. Create a new
      Insert excerpt
       on your
      Insert excerpt
       to save the bank holiday data to, and ensure it contains the following attributes:
      1. Name: UID
        1. Type: String
        2. Length: 50
        3. Expression: _NULL
      2. Name: Name
        1. Type: String
        2. Length: 200
        3. Expression: _NULL
      3. Name: Date
        1. Type: Date
          1. Leave the Expression field blank
      4. Name: Country
        1. Type: String
        2. Length: 50 
          1. Leave the Expression field blank

    Initial Configuration

    1. On the Shop Shipping screen, add an Actionflow to the  button ("GetDates")

    2. Add an Actionflow to the button that is triggered by the button click


      You may notice that right-clicking the button does not display the option to add an Actionflow. The Actionflow must be created using an event handler. See 2.01 Connecting Actionflows to Events.

      1. Open the 
        Insert excerpt
         for the button and click on the 
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      2. In the Action Settings section, choose an Action Method of Actionflow
      3. Create a new Actionflow

    HTTP Action Setup

    1. Select Click to Connect and choose On Click
    2. Drag a 
      Insert excerpt
       action onto the canvas and give it a suitable name - this will be used to retrieve the bank holidays from the government JSON URL
    3. Drag the 
      Insert excerpt
       connection point node onto the
      Insert excerpt
    4. Click on the 
      Insert excerpt
       action to open its Properties
      1. HTTP Method: GET
      2. URL:
      3. Log Traffic: 
        Insert excerpt
      4. Maximum HTTP Log Length: 100000
    5. Drag a 
      Insert excerpt
       action onto the canvas and give it a suitable name - this will be used to convert the JSON data into data suitable for our bank holiday table
    6. Connect the out connector from the HTTP node to the JSON node
    7. Click on the connector between the 
      Insert excerpt
       action and the
      Insert excerpt
      1. Map across all attributes

    JSON Action Setup

    1. Click on the 
      Insert excerpt
       action to open its Properties
      1. Input Expression: in.body
      2. Path: $
      3. Output Attributes:

        Code Block
        titleName: Country, Type: String

        Code Block
        titleName: Date, Type: Date
        toDate(, "yyyy-MM-dd")

        Code Block
        titleName: ID, Type: String
        toString(, "yyyyMMdd") + substring(_result.^.^.division, 1,1)

        Code Block
        titleName: Title, Type: String

    2. Hover over the JSON action and select out
    3. Create a
      Insert excerpt
      1. Primary Table: Shop Bank Holidays

    Save Action and Open Screen Action Setup

    1. Click on the connector between the JSON action and the Save action
    2. Map across the JSON attributes to their relevant attributes on the Save action


    3. Hover over the Save action and choose out
    4. Create an 
      Insert excerpt
       action to open the Shop Shipping Popup screen


    1. Close all open screens and reopen the Shop Shipping screen
    2. Click the  button to run the Actionflow
    3. If the Actionflow is working, the Shop Shipping Popup screen should open containing all of the bank holiday data from the government website

    Background Filter

    Tidy up your popup screen by adding a background filter to show the most recent bank holidays.

    1. On the Shop Shipping Popup screen, configure a Background Filter on the

      Insert excerpt
       Configuration to only show future dates 

      1. Right-click on the grid and choose, Show the View Configuration
      2. In the Data Retrieval Options section of the Properties, select the 
        Insert excerpt
         icon to create a new background filter

    1.02 Actionflow Principles