Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Import File LocationThe default base directory path for files to be imported into Geneva. This field can be left blank. See File Collectors for further details.
Export File LocationThe default base directory path for files to be exported into Geneva. This field can be left blank. See File Exporters for further details.
Template LocationThe location templates when doing excel downloads.
Archive DirectoryThe default base directory path for data to be archived. This field can be left blank.
Restore DirectoryThe default base directory path for data to be restored from. This field can be left blank.
Application LocationThe location of the PhixFlow installation.
Plugin LocationThe location of any PhixFlow plugin applications.
Temporary File LocationThe location of any PhixFlow temporary files that are generated.
Performance File LocationThe location of the resultant analysis performance files when the system tuning 'Generate Performance Files' check box has been ticked.
Restricted DirectoryThe root directory path that all files read using File Collectors must reside under. Note that this value is not editable through the GUI and must be set directly within the database.
File Upload Directory

The root location of all uploaded files and

all processed incoming email's.
The sub directory structure of the resultant (uploaded files/processed email's) is the following:-
Uploaded Files:
/FileCollector Name/in/YYYYMMDD/UniqueId/
where YYYYMMDD represents

received email messages.

Uploaded files/processed emails are saved in standard sub-directories as follows:



tag is the File Collector tag or the #tag extracted from an email subject line, or default

yyyymmdd is the date the files were uploaded

and UniqueId is a 32 character unique identifier.
Incoming Email's:
where YYYYMMDD represents the date the email was read and processed by PhixFlow and EmailId

/ received

uid is a 32 character unique





Email's each EmailId

each Eemail message received, the folder will contain a file called body.txt representing the main body content of the email and also any corresponding email attachments.

System Tuning tab

The following fields are configured on the System Tuning tab:


Default DomainThe default Domain which will be initially selected on the login screen.
Active Directory Login GroupNames of Active Directory Groups whose members are allowed to log in into the PhixFlow. Names can be separated by a semicolon. Use {instance} to include the PhixFlow instance name.

Form Icons


The form provides the standard form icons.
