Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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The following fields are configured on the System Directories tab:

Import File LocationThe default base directory path for files to be imported into Geneva. This field can be left blank. See File Collectors for further details.
Export File LocationThe default base directory path for files to be exported into Geneva. This field can be left blank. See File Exporters for further details.
Template LocationThe location templates when doing excel downloads.
Archive DirectoryThe default base directory path for data to be archived. This field can be left blank.
Restore DirectoryThe default base directory path for data to be restored from. This field can be left blank.
Application LocationThe location of the PhixFlow installation.
Plugin LocationThe location of any PhixFlow plugin applications.
Temporary File LocationThe location of any PhixFlow temporary files that are generated.
Performance File LocationThe location of the resultant analysis performance files when the system tuning 'Generate Performance Files' check box has been ticked.
Restricted DirectoryThe root directory path that all files read using File Collectors must reside under. Note that this value is not editable through the GUI and must be set directly within the database.
File Upload DirectoryThe root location of all uploaded files and all processed incoming email's.
The sub directory structure of the resultant (uploaded files/processed email's) is the following:-

Uploaded Files:
/FileCollector Name/in/YYYYMMDD/UniqueId/

where YYYYMMDD represents the date the files were uploaded and UniqueId is a 32 character unique identifier.

Incoming Email's:

where YYYYMMDD represents the date the email was read and processed by PhixFlow and EmailId is a 32 character unique email identifier.

For Email's each EmailId folder will contain a file called body.txt representing the main body content of the email and also any corresponding email attachments.

System Tuning tab

The following fields are configured on the System Tuning tab:


Warning: The following are advanced settings which should not be changed without consulting PhixFlow Solutions.

Maximum Script Run Time (sec)This sets the maximum time (in seconds) that background clean-up processes in the client application are allowed to run for before handing control back to the user. Setting this too high may result in "Script running slowly" messages.
Inactivity Time (sec)This sets the amount of time (in seconds) that must pass after a user operation before the PhixFlow client application will start any background clean-up processes.
GUI Retry AttemptsThis field can be used to instruct PhixFlow to automatically retry a client (GUI) operation if the client receives a network error. If set to a non-zero value, the client will attempt to resend a request to the server the number of times specified by this field. Each time a request is resent, the GUI will indicate on the status panel the total number of errors received so far and the time of the last error.

This setting should only be used if your network is unreliable. By default this field is set to 0.
GUI Retry Interval (ms)If "GUI Retry Attempts" is set to a non-zero value, this field indicates how long (in milliseconds) the client waits until it attempts to resend a failed request to the server. Typically this is set to 500 milliseconds.

Advanced tab

The following fields are configured on the Advanced tab:

System LanguageThe system language code specifies which language should be used for login screens and for all non interactive messages.
Default Character SetThe character set PhixFlow assumes when reading from or writing to any plain text or CSV file. Please note that this must be a character set supported by the Java virtual machine and that multi byte settings such as UTF8 (e.g. for Japanese etc.) are supported.
Line Separator StyleThe user can specify a default line separator style that will be used by File Exporters where no particular line separator has been specified. If the user does not specify a default style here then the default will revert to be the default of the operating system on which the PhixFlow server is running. In addition you can specify the line separator on each file exporter where a particular exporter needs to use a style other than the system default.
Data Storage GroupThe Data Storage Group to use when creating tables to store Stream data. This field is interpreted differently depending on the underlying database:
On Oracle, a Data Storage Group is equivalent to a Tablespace.
On SQL Server, a Data Storage Group is equivalent to a Filegroup.
If no Data Storage Group is specified, the database user's default setting will be used.
Default Stream StorageThis specifies the default Storage Type when creating a new Stream.
  • Database: Store the data in a regular table within the PhixFlow database. This is the most common option
  • Database (Partitioned): Store the data in a partitioned table within the PhixFlow database. This option provides improved performance for rollback and archiving of very large Streamsets. The option is only available if "partitioning" is available within your database installation.
  • In Memory: Data for the Stream will not be written to the database. This option can be used (for example) when you want to aggregate large amounts of unsorted data which can then be written to a stored Stream.
Effective DateEffective date to be used when date override is in use.
Schema VersionRead only: the version of the schema currently installed.
Licence KeyThis is the Licence Key for your PhixFlow Installation which is provided by PhixFlow Customer Support. If PhixFlow is not configured with a valid key, analysis tasks will not run and an error message will be displayed in the log file.

A Licence key can sometimes be associated with an expiry date. If the licence has expired an additional field will show the expiry date. After a licence has expired PhixFlow will generate warning messages in the analysis logs for 28 days beyond the expiry date. After this time analysis tasks will cease to run.

Delete Log Messages after Days

If this field is set, a System Task, when run, deletes Log Messages and Managed Files for Log Files older than this number of days.

See Task Plans for how to set up and run a System Task.

Archive deleted log messages to file

Whether to archive Log Messages to file before deletion. Archived Log Messages are written to archive files in the Archive Directory (see above).

There is no option to archive Managed File entries to file before deleting them.

Default Password PolicyThe password policy selected by default when creating new users. Password Policies can be edited in the Password Policies List
Allow Reset Configuration

Before performing a 'Reset Configuration' the administrator must tick this checkbox to allow access to reset the configuration.

WARNING: Resetting the configuration will delete all configuration data in the PhixFlow Instance.

See Configuration Reset for how to reset the configuration

Delete Stats Records after Days

If this field is set, a System Task, when run, deletes Processing Statistics records from the Database older than this number of days.

See Task Plans for how to set up and run a System Task.

Archive deleted Stats Records to fileArchiving is not yet available for Processing Statistics records that have been deleted. Records are currently only deleted after the number of days specified in the System Configuration 'Delete Stats Record after Days' field.

Active Directory tab

The following fields are configured on the Active Directory tab:

Default DomainThe default Domain which will be initially selected on the login screen.
Active Directory Login GroupNames of Active Directory Groups whose members are allowed to log in into the PhixFlow. Names can be separated by a semicolon. Use {instance} to include the PhixFlow instance name.

Form Icons


The form provides the standard form icons.
