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Action Properties

Use an 

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 Node action to embed one Actionflow within another.

Worked Example

For full details on how to create embedded Actionflows, including worked examples, see Embedded Actionflows.

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Basic Settings

NameThe name given to the Actionflow Node and the name used to display it on the canvas. This does not have to be the name of the embedded Actionflow.

The name of the embedded Actionflow connected to the Actionflow node. 

The Action header provides a hyperlink which displays the properties of the embedded Actionflow.

Input Connection Points

The grid contains a list of the inputs that can initiate this Actionflow instance.

  • To change an input connection point, use the Actionflow diagram's left panel.
  • To edit the properties of an existing input connection point, double-click its name in the list to open its properties; see Input Connection Points.
  • To delete an input connection point from the properties, the Actionflow diagram and the repository, select it in the list and in the section toolbar, click 
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Output Connection Points

The grid contains a list of the outputs from this Actionflow instance.

  • To change the output connection point, use the Actionflow diagram's left panel.
  • To edit the properties of an existing output connection point, double-click its name in the list to open its properties; see Connection Points.
  • To remove an output connection point from the properties, the Actionflow diagram and the repositoryselect it in the list and in the section toolbar, click 
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