Current sql schema installation has now been automatized and prviously known set of sql steps (sequential execution of different sql files) has been replaced by a single install command. Database still has to be created just as it used to for different platforms (username and password to access it - as well) but it is not needed now to run @populate_schema.sql or update system_configuration after the installer. Instead, it is sufficient to run installer jar in ussual way, known previously, that is: "Creating PhixFlow schema is straight forward and as easy as running installer.jar. Certain preconditions however must be met. The following describes the complete set of steps that are required:
- Create (or gave your DBA to do it for you) a database and database user. Follow this link in order to find out how, if you want to do it personally (without invloving DBA).
- Open command line and change your current directory into a directory wher your installer.jar is located.
- Execute command java -jar installer.jar -url=database_specific
- _url -user=username -pass=password -install
- -customer=customerName,
database_specific_url will look as follows, depending on your platform and assuming your database server listens on default ports (otherwise adjust port numbers):
a) Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:yourDatabasName
b) Sql Server: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=yourDatabaseName;instance=YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME;
c) MySQL/MariaDB: jdbc:mariadb://localhost/yourDatabaseName
The remaining installer options passed at the command line:
Option | Meaning |
user | Uername validating access to your database. |
pass | Password validating access to your database. |
install | An option specifying default installation. |
install-from-file | An option specifying installation from file. |
customer | The name of the PhixFlow registered customer. |