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Forms: Copy or Move Stream Data

From a Stream Set List it is possible to copy or move the Stream Sets to another Stream by dragging either the Image Removed icon (representing all data i.e. all Stream Sets) or a selection of Stream Sets onto another Stream or Stream Set List. After this drag/drop operation, the options form described here will appear to allow you to specify whether data should be copied or moved.


Insert excerpt


If you have two tables where one was originally a copy of the other, you can:

  • Copy all or some recordsets between the table
  • Move all recordsets between the tables,

To reduce the possibility of losing data, we recommend always copying data, so that the original data is preserved. Later, you can roll-back the unwanted data from the source table; see Rollback Recordsets.


You can only move recordsets between table copies because PhixFlow matches the internal field names of the


attributes to connect the data to the target


table. A different table will not have the same internal field name for the attributes.

Use the recordset list to copy or move a recordset to another table which must be empty. For details of the recordset list, see Managing Recordsets.

To copy or move all recordsets to the empty copied table:

  1. In the recordset list, drag the Image Added icon to Move Recordsets onto a table. 
  2. In the popup window, select either Copy or Move.

To copy some recordsets:

  1. In the recordsets list, select some.
  2. Drag the recordsets onto the copied table.
    You cannot move a selection of recordsets to another table.

PhixFlow warns you if copying or moving the data may remove data. This can occur if the attribute does not exist on the target table. 

Use the move option when you have a very large set of data that needs to be transferred to the target


table, and:

  • either the PhixFlow database has limited space
  • or the copy will take


  • a long time.

Moving data happens immediately


. The time


taken to copy the data


depends on the speed of your PhixFlow database server.


Form: Copy or Move Stream Data

The form gives a graphic view of what will happen when the Image Removed icon is pressed:


When the Image Removed icon is pressed, PhixFlow first checks that the operation is valid and if there are any issues that you need to confirm before proceeding. E.g. after pressing Image Removed if the Stream configurations match completely, PhixFlow will carry out the requested operation. However if there are any differences e.g. a missing attribute on the target Stream PhixFlow will request confirmation from you before proceeding.



  • Copy: Copy the data (default)
  • Move: Move the data


PhixFlow creates log entries for the move or copy operation in the System Console.


See Also



For links to all pages in this topic, see Managing Models and Data.