Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • populating output stream attributes;
  • building filters.
Array HandlingFunctions which handle arrays.
Type ConversionsFunctions which can convert from one type of object to another.
Date/Time FunctionsFunctions which handle dates.
Filter CreationFunctions which can be used to define filter conditions or can be use to perform lookups on Pipes.
Logical FunctionsFunctions which compare values and return a true or false result.
Maths FunctionsFunctions which operate on numbers.
Script FunctionsFunctions which can be used to control the flow of logic within a script.
Text FunctionsFunctions which operate on strings.

This is the list of all attribute functions:

Page Tree
rootAttribute Functions@self



  • + (add; can also use the attribute function sum)
  • - (minus; can also use the attribute function sum, reversing the sign of the second operand)
  • / (divide)
  • * (multiply)


Certain functions can be evaluated on the client and expressions including only these functions will be evaluated on the client. Expressions including other functions must be evaluated on the server. The following functions can be evaluated on the client: 

  • And 
  • Dot (e.g. _form.UID) 
  • Equals 
  • Greater than 
  • Greater than or equals 
  • IsEmpty 
  • IsNull 
  • Less than 
  • Less than or equals 
  • Minus 
  • Not 
  • Not equals 
  • Now 
  • Or 
  • Plus 
  • Today 
  • Try