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Create the database user


This command will prompt for the name of the user to be created.

Code Block
sqlplus SYS/SYSPassword@SID as SYSDBA @schema/oracle/install/create_user

Sql Server:

This command requires the user, the password, the login and the database to be provided as parametersBefore creating the database, ensure that default collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS:

Code Block

If it is not, please talk to the database administrator to get this updated to the required collation (see also Install MS SQL Server).

This command creates a local (SQL Server) login, a user with required user mappings, sets the password for the login and creates the database.

Code Block
sqlcmd -S localhost\myservice -i schema/sql_server/install/create_database_and_user.sql -v dbName="phixflow" dbLogin="phixflow" dbUser="phixflow" dbPassword="mypass"


mariaDBexampleDBcreateCommandmariaDBexampleDBcreateCommandMariaDB database creation
MariaDB database creation
Connect to the database as root (or an administrator):

Code Block
mysql --user=<myrootuser> --password

If you followed the suggested PhixFlow installation notes for installing MariaDB, you will be using unix_socket authentication (see Install MariaDB), and the command to log into the database as root is simply:

Code Block
sudo mysql

Create the user, supplying the name of the database, the user and the password in the commands below:

Code Block
create database phixflow CHARACTER SET = 'utf8' COLLATE = 'utf8_bin';
grant all privileges on phixflow.* to '<myuser>'@'%' identified by '<mypass>';


Code Block
cd $RELEASE/phixflow-x.y.z-yyyymmdd/install


SQL Server:


If a database, with login details, was provided (i.e. you did not perform the step above for creating the login, user and database), please check that the database has the correct collation:

Code Block


Code Block
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('phixflow', 'Collation');

Then run the command:

Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sqlserver://myhost\myserver;databaseName=phixflow" -user=myuser -pass=mypass -install -customer="Your Customer Name"

Oracle (> 12c with PDB containers)MariaDB:

Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521mariadb://localhost/phixflow" -user=myuser<myuser> -pass=mypass<mypass> -install -customer="Your Customer Name"

SQL ServerOracle:

Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:sqlserver://myhost\myserver;databaseName=:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:phixflow" -user=myuser -pass=mypass -install -customer="Your Customer Name"

MariaDBOracle (> 12c with PDB containers):

Code Block
java -jar bin/installer.jar -url="jdbc:oracle:mariadbthin:@hostname:1521//localhost/phixflow" -user=<myuser>myuser -pass=<mypass>mypass -install -customer="Your Customer Name"
