Insert excerpt |
| _Banners |
| _Banners |
name | actionflow |
nopanel | true |
Name | Enter the name for the action node Insert excerpt |
_property_tabs | _property_tabs | name | basic-h |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
_parent | _parent | nopanel | true |
Basic Settings
Field | Description |
actionflowpropertiesactionflowpropertiesshownameactionflowpropertiesactionflowpropertiesname | show-text |
Pass Through | Specify whether or not to allow data that has not been processed to pass through to the next action node. check_box_untickcheck_box_untick to prevent data that is not processed by this node from passing to the next Calculate Attributes Insert excerpt |
_check_box_tick | _check_box_tick | nopanel | true |
to allow data that is not processed to pass through to the next action node.Todo-fiona check if these are still here
ScriptsParent Details
Basic Settings see Attribute Name | Insert excerpt |
_check_box_tick | _check_box_tick | nopanel | true |
to indicate the calculate attribute matches the name of an attribute in the data pop-up
Image RemovedAudit Summary Order | Where the calculate action runs multiple expressions, enter a number to indicate the order in which this expression will be run. Remember that an expression that generates a value should run before an expression that uses the value. |
descriptiondescription_property_tabs_property_tabs | access-haccessaccessauditaudit